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LT= The green one because some people are uncomfortable with the term "LT" or "Lord Tourettes"

The green one was walking around until he tripped and fell. He rose from the sidewalk and had both of his knees scraped under his green, frilly dress. He put on his hat, which resembled a party hat, just green with a white ball on the end of it, and looked in front of him. When he rose, he discovered he was in front of a gym. Though he was pretty scrawny and weak, he decided to go to get some water and maybe some bandaids. Or that's what he told himself, the real reason was that he just wanted to see some hot guys.

After searching around for a bit he decided to lay down on the bench press. When he opened his eyes again he saw a guy looming over him, looking down at him since the green one was pretty short. This particular guy the green one knew well, he was infamous around this small town, this fellow's name happened to be Broseph. He was the cool arrogant guy of the town, with his grey hair slicked back to add to the "coolness" though he always thought it resembled toothpaste.

However, the most eye-catching part of him was his skin-tight tank top. Which, I mean, the green one didn't really mind.

"Hey~," Broseph said with a flirty tone. "Need any help, baby~?"

"Um...do you have any water?" He asked him.

The one with toothpaste hair nodded and led the other by the hand where he had his equipment and stuff. The green-haired man blushed a bit at this but didn't pull away at his hand. He handed him a water bottle, though it was only about half full.

"..." He grasped at the bottle, drinking it before realizing. "Wait...did you drink this?"

"Yea~," He said, smirking. "I did but I forgot~"

His cheeks went redder as he realized he had an indirect kiss with him. "U-Uh...um..."

Broseph looked at the flustered 'girl'. "Aww, you're blushing~" He put a finger to his chin, tapping it against his skin. "Can I kiss you~?"

"Wh-What?? Why w-would you want to..? E-Eheh..." He played with the ruffles of his dress nervously.

"Well, you're the hottest chick in this place, of course,~"

"..." He stayed silent, wondering whether or not to tell him. On one hand, he should know but on the other hand he did want to kiss him and he knew that Broseph was the type to never admit he was gay, even if he was, which is a small possibility for that anyways. The main reason being he really, really hates being vulnerable or weak or open at all really and the green one could tell this was the case. He'd been around him enough just in general social situations to know, whenever he was hurt, even worse, he'd never ask for help. In short, he had a bad case of toxic masculinity.

But even then, he knew it wouldn't be right for him not to know this.

"Weelll~," Broseph said, growing impatient. "What will it be, toots~?"

"I-I'm a boy!.." He said, shaking.

There was a moment of silence between the two as the green one shook, unknowing of what Broseph will do since he was pretty strong.

Then he started laughing. "That's what they all say when they don't wanna kiss me! Alright alright, I accept that, but you're still cute."

"N-No...I-I mean it."

"...madam just because you're flat-chested doesn't mean you're a boy..." He said, desperately not wanting to believe he actually fell for a guy.

"Broseph!" He said, getting a bit annoyed. "I-I'm being serious! I have never g-got boobs and I never will!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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