Chapter 11

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Monday / 06:30am

Hearing your alarm you groaned before turning it off, sitting up and stretching your arms.
A sudden sting on your neck made you hiss irritated.
Placing your cold fingertips on it you remembered what happened last night.

Soft lips were placed on your heated skin making you squirm under his broad body, squeezing his biceps in pleasure.
Humming you felt Jungkooks teeth nibbling on your neck while sweat started to form on your body.
Combing through his curly hair you enjoyed his wet sloppy kisses against your skin giving you goosebumps.

The corner of your lips twitched, wanting to curve up into a slight smile.
Rolling your eyes you made your way to the bathroom.

After 20 minutes you were finally done applying make up on your hickeys to cover them up.
You didn't even realize how many of those blue, people, red bruises he created on your skin with his sucking and biting.
Hoping that nobody would see the love bites you started to change your clothes into some tight jeans and a loose blouse, since it will get sunny.

In College

The day went by as normal as always.
Walking down the hallways approaching your locker, you felt his gaze on you.
Slowly turning your head in his direction, ya saw him wink at you while ruffling through his long locks making you feel some kind of way.
Arriving at your locker you opened it and tried to hide your flustered face from him.

This went on for the whole day.
Him flirting with you, secretly, making you nervous without knowing why.

Exiting the big college building your hands played with the straps of your bag.
Suddenly you came to an hold seeing Jungkook with another girl.
Her back was against a wall, him hovering over her, his arm against the wall to support his own body.
They were staring straight into each others eyes, her hands playing with the hem of his shirt.
Annoyance run through your body causing you to roll your eyes and going straight past them.

Throwing yourself on your bed, faced down, you let out a big sigh.
- "What were you thinking? He is and was always a fuckboy. Did you really though he would change? Ugh."
Talking to yourself you sat up and started to hit your own head.
- "Stupid Y/N. Stupid!"
Scolding yourself you continued to hit your head till you heard you phone ringing.

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Tuesday / In College

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Tuesday / In College

Eating your food in the cafeteria you listened to Liza talking nonstop about the upcoming party.
- "It will be fun! Believe me! And maybe.. you could make up with Celina after what happened the last time.."
Rolling your eyes you sipped on your apple juice looking in his direction.

Why couldn't you get your eyes off of him?
It was like an attraction known from magnets.
But seeing him there, with another girl again, you didn't know what to think.
Something inside of you made you feel uneasy.

- "Yeah.. I don't know. She really said rude stuff Liza."
- "She was drunk. Just like you dickhead. Because if you two weren't, she wouldn't had said those stuff and you for sure hadn't punched her."
Your lips still around the straw and your eyes still on Jungkook you just shrugged with your shoulders.

At Home / 5:21pm

Standing in front of your closet you searched for a cute outfit to wear.
- "I would wear the red dress."
Flinching at the dark voice you looked behind you through your opened window into his room.
- "You pervert, you scared me."
Chuckling he sat on his windowsill biting his lip while staring at you.
You rolled your eyes and turned around to take out a black dress that is less revealing than the one Jungkook wanted you to wear.

Coming back from the bathroom into your room you didn't see your neighbor at his window where he sat before you changed in your clothes.
Closing your window you went to your mirror to put on some make up and do your hair.

Bidding your goodbyes to your parents you went out of your house and started to walk down the streets till someone put his arm around your shoulders.
- "Hi buttercup."

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━ 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅...

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