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"We'll shoot it in the garden." My mom said to me.

I followed her as i tucked all my emotions away.

She handed me an tube and a piece of paper.

"Just say those lines while you hold that product up and don't forget she smile."

I took a deep breath in before i put a fake smile on.

After five tries and my mom yelling multiple times at me we were finally done.

"Thank you." My mom said as she walked back inside. All her attention was focused on her phone.

I walked back to my bedroom and locked the door behind me.

I could tell that my mom had cleaned it because some things were misplaced and it smelled weird.

I grabbed a bag and trew some clothes and some old photo albums in it. I hoped that there would be some clue about my biological mom in them.

It was already dark outside when i heard my mom call my name.

"Kate we're leaving!" She yelled at me.

I took one last look around my room before i went downstairs.

"Don't you already have enough stuff there?" She aksed when she saw the bag that i was carrying.


She sighed and took the bag from me. "I'll put it the car while you say goodbye to your dad."

She didn't have to say that twice to me. I walked to my dad's office and knocked on the door.

"Enter." He said.

I opend the door and saw him sitting behind his desk with his glasses on.

"I'm leaving so i came to say goodbye."

"Goodbye Kate. I'll call you soon." He said without looking up from his papers.

I sighed, he wasn't going to give me anymore attention then this. "Goodbye dad, today was fun. "

I closed his door behind me and walked to my mom's car.

"Ready to go back?" She asked as she started the car.


"Did you like doing the promtion?"

I stayed quiet, she knew the answer.

She aksed another but i still didn't reply.

I ignored every question she aksed which eventually caused her to remain quiet.

"We're here." She said as she parked infront of the hospital.

Without any hesitation i stepped out of the car and ran into the hospital.

I didn't feel like waiting for the elevator so i ran up the stairs. Once i was at my floor i tiptoed to my room to make sure that no one would see me. I wanted to be alone right now.


I was talking to the receptionist when i suddenly heard someone walk up to me.

It was uncommon for visitors to come at this hour so i was kinda surprised to see a middled woman step out of the elevator.

"Hey is dr Hood still here?" The woman asked.

I shook my head. "No he went home around an hour ago."

"Oh okay. Well can i sign Kate back in with you?"

I didn't see Kate come in with her so i was a little confused when she said that.

"Of course, I'll give you the papers."

She quickly signed them and handed the clipboard back to me. "She should be in her room because she ran in here before i could even step out if the car. Tell her i said goodbye."

With that said she turned around and walked to the elevator.

"Strange." I mumbled to myself as she walked away. Why wouldn't she say that herself to Kate?

I walked to Kate's room and though it was empty. I turned the light on as i called her name.

There she was in the corner of room. She was sitting on the floor with her knees tucked to her chest.

"Why are sitting here?" I asked soflty as i kneeled down infront of her.

She ignored me and looked down. I could tell that she had been crying.

I sat down on the ground and noticed a big bruise on her forearm. It wasn't unusual for her to have bruises but this one concerned me.

"Did she do this to you?" I asked pointing to her arm.

She didn't asnwer me. I knew that she didn't trust me but i needed to know that happend so that i could help her.

Where the hell was Calum when you needed him?

"Please answer me Kate. I want to help you."

She looked up and made eyecontact with me. "You can't."

"I still want to try."

She shook her head and looked away again.

"Do you want me to call Calum?" I said not knowing what to do.


"What do you want me to do?"

She stayed quiet for a while which let me know that she didn't know the answer to that question.

"Shall i stay with you until you fall alseep?" I offered.

She shrugged.

I genlty offered her my hand. "Let's get off the cold floor."

She ignored my hand and stood up on her own. I walked to her bed which caused her to follow me.

"She didn't like my hair." She said with a shaky voice as she put her hoodie down.

I now understood why she was so upset. Her mother probably didn't told her that in a nice way.

"Did she force you to change it back?"

She nodded.

"She had no right to do that." I said as i tried to hide my anger i felt towards her mom.

"I know." She mumbled.

She was exhausted but i could tell that she fighting her sleep.

"It's okay, you can go to sleep." I said to her.

She shook her head. "Alone."

"Do you want me to leave?" I aksed not quite sure of what she meant.

She nodded as her eyes fell shut.

"Alright but I'll only a few minutes away if you need me." I said as i stepped out of her bed.

I was kinda hesitant to leave her alone because i didn't want her to have nightmares and freak out. But i needed to respect her wishes.

"Goodnight, Kate." I whispered to her before i genlty shut the door behind me.

As i was walking back to my office i thought about what i was going to tell Calum. One thing was for sure, he definitely was going to hear about what her mom did.

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