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I had obviously noticed that Kate was annoyed by the fact that i didn't have that much time for her. But it was something that couldn't change right now. I needed to be there for Mabel to make sure everything went well. I could already tell that her recovery process was going to be just as difficult as that of Kate.

I had slept awful during the night. I was extremely nervous for something unnecessary. I had given plenty of patients bone marrow transplants but this time it felt different.

I just hoped that Kate had slept better then me  because she would need her strength today.

After i had clocked in i immediately went to Kate's room to wake her up.

Her room was still dark so i quietly entered it and squatted down next to her bed.

"Wake up sunshine. It's time for the big day." I whispered to her as i slightly notched her schouler.

"Go away." She said grumpy.

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

"I don't wanna do it." She suddenly said with tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean."

"I'm scared something will go wrong and that it will all be for nothing."

I gently grabbed her and looked her in the eyes. "Nothing will go wrong today. You're in the hands of two doctors who will let nothing bad happen."

She looked at me as tears fell down her face. She definitely didn't have a good night sleep.

"I understand that you're nervous and mabye a but scared and that's completely normal. I will not leave your side today, you're not alone in this Kate."

This comforted her a bit. She whiped her tears away and give me an hopeful look."You promise?"

"I promise."

"Can i use the bathroom before we start?" She asked.

"Of course."

I helped her out of bed and waited patiently for her to finish.

After a few minutes she stumbled out of the bathroom. "I think i am ready."

She carefully stepped back in bed.

I paged the nurses and Michael. I needed their help to transport her to the different room. Kate remained silent as we waited for the others to arrive. It was hard to understand how she feeling right now because she almost looked emotionless.

After a few a minutes Michael entered the room with two nurses.

Michael usually would try to cheer her up but even he could see that wasn't going to work today.

Kate truly looked tired and defeated which truly broke my heart. I needed her to fight.

We got her settled into her new room which definitely looked less cosy then her own.

The procedure itself wasn't very difficult or risky but the aftermath was. Their was still uncertainty about her body accepting the new cells. Her mother was a reallly good match with her her so it was unlikely that rejecting would happen.

One of the nurses did her IV while the other hooked her up to the heart monitor.

She surprisingly didn't react to either of this. It was like she had shut her self out.

"She not looking too good." Michael whisperd in my ear.

I sighed. "I know."

Michael steppped towards her and kneeled down. "Are you ready?"

She nodded, not taking her eyes off the ceiling.

Michael then nodded to the nurse who injected the stam cells in Kate's port.

Kate closed her eyes and reached for Michael's hand in response.

He allowed her grab it and layed his other hand on top of hers.

"You're alright." He whispered to her.

She took a deep breath in and let go of his hand.

Michael stood back up and looked at me for a second until he looked back at Kate. "I have to go now but Calum will stay with you, okay?"

Kate simply nodded.

"Good luck mate." He whispered to me before he left the room.

I grabbed a chair and sat down next to her bed.

She looked so broken and tired. I didn't feel the need anymore to keep my promise to Mandy about keeping her mom a secret.

"Kate i need to tell you something." I whispered to her.

She looked at me but remained quiet.

"Your mom didn't want me to tell you this but I've spoken with your biological mother."

Her eyes immediately lit up. "You did?"

I nodded. "She is the one who donated the bone marrow because she was the closest match to you."

"What did she say? Did she miss me? Please tell me everything." She said excited.

"Calm down i will tell everything but only if you promise me not to tell Mandy that I've told you this."


I never thought that this could be reality. I needed to know everything that Calum and her had discussed. But above all i wanted to know how he was able to find her.

"Mandy was the one who gave me your mom's address. She lived alone in an apartment which was an hour away from my house." Calum said as if he knew what i was thinking.

I was happy to hear thar she was living alone. That may sound rude but no man would ever be capable of giving her what she deserved.

"At first she denied that fact that she had a daugter."

My smile faded away, why would she say that?

"But after i showed her  a picture of you she gave in and admitted that you are her daughter." He quickly added.

I nodded but i still was sceptical about it.

"I explained the situation to her about why you where in the hospital. And that you wanted to meet her but where unsuccessful because of Mandy. She then explained to me why she also was unable to contact you in any way. But she misses you and still loves you. If it weren't for the strict rules Mandy and the jury had come up she would've visited you a long time ago."

Everything changed after he told me that. My mom was still alive and still loved me. I wanted to see her as soon as possible. She was the only one who i wanted to fight for.

"Where is she now? I wanna speak to her."

He looked down. "Your mom said that she doesn't want to speak to you until she's ready."

I thought about that for a second to make sure that i understood him. "So she does want to talk to me but just needs some time to wrap her head around this while situation?"

He looked back up to make eye contact. "That's right. And to answer your other question, she is currently in the hospital to recover from donating."

"She's here?" I asked surprised.

He nodded. "Yes, that's why i was so absent the last few days."

I turned my head to the ceiling again. My mom was here and i was going to meet her soon. First the time i could see light at the end of the tunnel.

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