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Calum suddenly stood up. "I thinks it's best to remove the wire from your port right now. There aren't running any fluids trough any more."

"Can you do that fast?" I aksed a bit scared.

"Definitely, it will only be a second and you wont even feel it."

I pulled my gown down a bit and looked at the port. It still looked as scary as when i first got it.

"Hold still." Calum said as he grabbed the wire.

He was right before i knew it he had disconnected it. I didn't even feel a single thing from it.

"Removing the port itself will be the thing that's going to hurt." He said without giving it much thought.

"Not a good thing to say to me." I said to him.

As he suddenly remembered that I hated needles he turned to me with a guilty face. "I'm sorry, that wasn't smart of me to say."

"Is the transplant complete?"

He nodded. "The transplant itself is complete but your body still needs to heal and accept the new cells. We'll give you medication for that."

"What if it rejects the new cells?" I asked.

"Let's not think about that right now."

He was right, the answer to that question was only going to ruin a so far good day.

I started fidgeting with my fingers. Why was it taking Ashton so long to pick my mother up?"

Calum layed his hand on mine. "Relax, it's going to be allright."

"When she enters don't make any sudden movements because it might rip your IV or port out." Calum said strictly to me.

I nodded but i wasn't listening to him. My eyes where clued to the door, waiting for the moment my mom would walk in.

"Your mom is also still recovering so be gentle when she comes in." Calum said.

He was starting to annoy me with his comments. I wasn't some rogue animal who was going to attack her.

Then the door opened, there she was sitting a few meters away from me.

She hadn't changed at all since my last memory i had with here. She still had the kind look in her eyes with the thin unbrushed hair that framed her face.

She also was wearing an hospital gown and seemed tired.

My first instinct was to ran up to her and hug her but i could tell that she was a bit unsure. Besides i was attached to mutiple machine's who kept me from leaving the bed.

"Hey." I whispered to her.

"Hello." She said with a smile, not moving an inch from the door.

Neither one if us knew what to say. We just stared at each other in disbelief.

"We'll leave you two alone." Calum said as he stood up. He dragged Ashton along with him and they both left the room.

"I missed you." I said with tears in my eyes.

This sentence was enough for my mom to walk up to me with open arms.

"I misses you too." She said as she hugged me.

We both didn't let go until at least a few minutes had passed.

It didn't take is long to start a conversation. We both had so much fo tell to each other.

"Where are your parents?" My mom aksed after some small talk.

"They're not my parents and they haven't really talked to me after i told them i wanted to stop the treatment."

This shocked my mom. "Why would you stop?"

"I never wanted treatment in the first place but i didn't have the option to say no at that point."

"Just because you might have the chance to say no soon doesn't mean you should do it." My mom said to me. When she said that it became very clear to me that she doesn't support that decision.

"You didn't let me finish."

Her look softened as if to say that she was sorry.

"I didn't have friends at that point and i felt trapped under Mandy's rules. But things have changed since that day. I have wonderful friends who i love dearly and I'm even talking to you again."

"You finally have something you want to fight for." She said, finishing my sentence.

I smiled at her, she understood me. "Exactly."

She looked down at her hands with a sad face.

"What is it?" I asked trying to make eye contact with her.

"Were Mandy and her husband ever mean to you? You don't speak fondly about them." She spoke as she looked at me again.

I shook my head. "They where never mean to me. They were and still are good people who tried to make me as happy as possible."

"But they didn't succeeded?"

I sighed, it was a difficult question to answer because they weren't two sides to the story.

"At first i thought they did. They gave me everything i wanted and it made me happy. The only problem was that i didn't have any type of freedom. I started to feel trapped in the life that i had created. I needed to change but they didn't let me."

She put her arm around my shoulder. "You should talk to them. You shouldn't hold grudges against people who you loved."

"I don't know if i want to talk to them, especially to Mandy. She isn't one to listen others."

My mom didn't say anything because she didn't want to change my mind. She simply gave my something to think about.

"Do you still hate Mandy?" I aksed her bluntly.

She chuckled and looked at me. "What makes you say that?"

I shrugged. "I mean she did take me away from you and made your life pretty miserable with her rules."

"I never hated her nor did i adored her. When she took you away from me i was angry for moment but after that i realised that it was for the better. I wasn't happy with the rules she had given me. However i did see why see had made them. She truly wanted to protect you, it's the question if that was the right way to do so."

"It definitely wasn't the right way to do it." I said to her.

She stroked my hair. "We all make mistakes."

"Can i stay with you during Christmas?" I asked changing the subject.

Her hand stopped moving which made me look up. Mabye it was wrong of me to ask her that. She probably still had to get used to the fact that she was reunited with me.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to.." I started but she cut me off.

"It's okay, of course you stay with me during Christmas."

I hugged her."Thank you."

She looked at me when i let her go, she had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I aksed worried.

"I'm not used to people wanting to spent time with me. I haven't spent Christmas with someone in over 6 years."

This broke my heart a little. My mom was the most wonderful person I've ever met, she didn't deserve to be alone.

"I won't ever let that happen go you. From now on you'll never be alone." I spoke determined to me.

She simply smiled.

I let my head relax on your shoudler. "I'm so happy that you're here."

My mom put her head on mine."Likewhise."

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