Chapter 1

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           I can't breathe. 

           My breath comes out in ragged pants, my lungs burning as I slump back against the tree. The back of my throat starts to ache and I try desperately to steady my breathing.

            The forest is bright, too bright, and my head is spinning. Slowly, I slide down the rough bark of the tree onto damp earth and shove my head between my knees. My eyes flutter closed and I focus on steadying my frantic breathing.

             There's a stopper in my lungs, and with each breath it allows less and less air through. Gasping for air, I force myself to gather all of my feeble energy and take a short breath in.

             I hold it for a moment, before releasing it as slowly as I can bear. One. Inhale. Two. Exhale. Three. Inhale. Four. I release each breath painfully slow, and keep counting until I lose my spot before starting again.

              Eventually, I begin to notice the bark digging through the thin fabric of my shirt and into my back. The bum of my jeans feels cold and soggy and, when I stand again, will probably be covered in a thin layer of dark mud.

            I take a leisurely breath and my shoulders sag at the sweet feeling of air filling my lungs. The burning in my chest has almost vanished and the pain in the back of my throat has become a dull throb. I suck in another deep breath as my index and middle fingers hover over the pulse on my neck.

             I remain still for a few more moments before forcing myself off the ground and stumbling forward on shaking legs. In less than a day I've managed to lose my bag, inhalers and all, and myself in the middle of the god damn woods, all because of a stupid black bear with mommy issues.

            "What an idiot," I mutter under my breath, quietly scolding myself. "Not only did I almost kill myself, but I just had to leave the fecking trail."

            Trudging forward and hoping I can escape the woods before dark is the only real option at this point and I groan inwardly. It's also the least likely.

             "If I ever go for another hike again so help me god I'll... I'll... ugh! Stupid fecking bear and her stupid fecking cub." Briefly, I wonder if Jon will bother to come looking for me, or if he'll think I'm just bailing on Aunt Flora. Again.

            The odds aren't in my favour.

             The swaying of branches and the soft noises of small animals scurrying through the undergrowth has me hugging my arms tightly to my chest. It was such a bad idea to even go near the forest in the first place.

            What if they're here right now?

             My shivers have nothing to do with the cold as I clutch myself tighter. 

            I don't realize how wrapped up I am in my thoughts until I'm smashing face first into a solid mass of red plaid. I stumble back, clutching my nose and cursing under my breath as I try to calm my frantic heartbeat.

             The man in front of me has blond hair and wide, alert brown eyes that almost seem... feral. I caution a few more steps back, sizing up his bulky form, which towers, unfortunately, several inches above me. 

             His red and olive plaid shirt hangs over a pair of noticeably worn Levi's, and with his thick black boots I can't help but think of just how much he resembles a lumberjack. Thank goodness he isn't carrying an axe.

             I glance back at his face to see that he still hasn't moved his wild eyes from my own. Somehow, he appears to be aware of everything around us whilst never removing his eyes from my face.

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