-:- chapter 20 -:- truth -:-

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Alexa's POV:

"come on Lexi you gotta tell us what's going on." Cam said softly "weave been sitting here for almost 10 minutes with you opening and closing your mouth like a fish." Its true Brayden woke the others up and now we are sitting opposite them on the couch I just don't know where to start. All I could do was look to Brayden for help.

"it's gonna be fine Lex just tell them what you told me." I nod and look at Cam and Ace both with looks of worry on their faces.

"ok well I guess I should start with my name." I take a deep breath before continuing "I'm not who you think I am, my name is Alexa Rodrigues, adopted Daughter of Dominic Rodriguez, but more people know me as The Death Angel." I saw the shock wash over their faces but I had to continue. "there is a gang called The Reapers after me so Dom sent me and Carl here to protect us that's why I've been using the name lil'demon. Cammy you said our parents died in a car accident right?" he nods "did you ever see their bodies?" it looks like he had to think about it before answering in a whisper.

"no" I handed him the note and watched him read it before he looked up at me shocked "their alive"

"yes their alive and now they have Emma and Kyah and its all my fault. We have 1 week to find them or they are both dead, the thing is that our parents are after Death angel or Alexa Rodriguez so I'm not sure if he knows that it's me or that Cameron is involved at all."

"they have my sister we need to find them. Alexa why would you not tell us this? People were after you the whole time and you failed to mention that you were putting my little sister in danger. She has nothing to do with any of this, barely even knows what a gang is. I trusted you Alexa, I don't care who you are if she gets hurt because of you I will destroy you." Ace then storms off and out of the room.

Yeah I deserved that, its all my fault and if something does happen to them I might just let him ruin me because I would deserve it.

the fact of having committed or a specified or implied offence or crime

That's the definition of guilt, well that's what google will tell you. But really guilt is that feeling in your gut that is constantly eating at you conscience until you make peace with it. Slowly weaking you until you can't do anything but think of the thing you did wrong and what you would have done if you could go back and change it, or if you would change it.

For me, I would have left. After we went to the warehouse I and found out who was after me I would have pack up a went back to new York to stop them once and for all. If I did that then Emma would be at home safe with her brother and Ace wouldn't hate me.

But I cant go back in time so I just have to focus on getting the girls back. Fresh air, yeah I need fresh air. So I stand up and walk out onto the balcony and sit on the porch swing that I didn't know was there until now. Unfortunately I wasn't alone Cameron had followed me out here and was now sitting beside me on the swing.

"can I ask you a question?" he asked.

"you just did." I said smartly trying to lighten the mood. In return I get a small chuckle from Cammy.

"you smartass. But seriously, back when we were inside you said, 'your family in new York' by that do you mean Dominic?" I guess I should explain a bit about our gang.

"by that I mean the whole gang there. See the Cuchillos Negros aren't just a plain old gang we are a family, each and every base. We take in people that have nothing and are looking for some kind of new start. Most people in our gang we find as children on the streets or in a really bad household, we give them a choice they can join us and train or be put in one of our foster homes, 'la familia es mas profunda que la sangre' means family runs deeper than blood, it's the code we live by because not many of us have blood relatives but we are all family."

"is that what happened to you? One of them found you?"

"I think I may have been the luckiest of us all. Dominic was the one who found me 2 days after you left and treated me like his own daughter, him and his wife, they couldn't have kids so Lydia saw it as fate that Dom found me then after 6 months of being there I walked in a Dom Training just some basic throwing knife stuff and immediately thought it was amazing so from that day on a trained with him every day for the past 11 years" I pause then added "apart from the days I was captured and tortured."

"YOU WERE TORTURED?" he yelled "omg, I'm the worst brother ever. I thought that maybe you would have been safer with a foster family rather than being with our terrible parents but no, you were raised in a gang had it worse then me a should have found you faster..." he started to ramble and ramble and it was giving me a headache so I had to stop him.

"CAMMY!" he immediately stopped and looked at me "you are not the worst brother ever and I didn't have it bad at all, I had an amazing family everything I could have wanted. It was my choice to join the gang and I knew what I was getting myself into."

"so when does Carl come into your story?"

"when I was kidnaped for the first time I think I was about 7 Carl was in the same cell as me I told him my Papa was coming to save me and I'd take him with me and that's what we did. The people that had us killed his family so he had none."

I watched for a moment when Cammy's face fell and guild filled up his eyes "remind me to thank him later yeah?"

"Thank him for what" I was confused

"for being the brother I couldn't."


A/N - sorry ive been a bit slack school has just started back up and i have a bit of writer's block, so if you've got any ideas please comment and let me know :)

vote please :p

words - 1111

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