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Seri wasn't surprised that Jeong-hyeok had suggested they return to their separate rooms to sleep. She had always known about his exceptionally (to her, at least) traditional values. Still, maybe just the knowledge that he was a mere floor away had her waking up the next day feeling more well-rested than she had in a long time. The weather seemed to reflect her mood – blue skies and clear sunshine.

Jeong-hyeok had arranged it so he had the whole day free, and Seri only had to check her work email occasionally. So he proposed that they take different trains to Lucerne in the morning, one hour apart. He would be waiting for her at the platform.

Her heart gave a flutter when she saw his tall, sharply cut figure as she stepped off the train. The slicked back hair suited him well. She saw as she approached that he held flowers in his hand, a bunch of carnations in pretty shades of pink.

"I wasn't sure what you'd like," he said as he offered them.

"What I like anything is anything chosen by Ri Jeong-hyeok ssi," she grinned as she took them, a flattery but also the truth.

He smiled that secret boyish smile that she loved and placed his hand on her lower back to guide her out of the station.

They played tourist for the rest of the morning, strolling by fountain squares and footbridges, admiring the centuries-old buildings and chapels. As lunchtime approached, they settled on a riverside café. Once their orders had been placed, Seri took her phone out apologetically. "Sorry, I just have to check my work email quickly. I won't be a second."

He gestured for her to do so.

"Oh! Look at this, it's an invitation for a classical music fundraiser organized by the Asia Society. Are you invited, Jeong-hyeok ssi? But it's for tomorrow! How last minute. My secretary should have sent this to me earlier. I don't know if I have anything appropriate to wear, even."

"Ah," he paused. "Yes. The whole orchestra has been invited."

There was something more. Seri knew enough to wait, staring expectantly at him.

"I don't know how safe it is for us to meet at a public event. There are no tails on us today but that doesn't mean that there aren't eyes on us. Although..."

Seri hoped her disappointment wasn't showing too obviously. "Yes, although...?" she prompted.

Jeong-hyeok looked at her like a teacher would look at a student who had spoken out of turn. He sighed softly. "Although... my father has done his best to scrub my record clean. There shouldn't be any mentions anywhere of our encounters in North or South Korea. For all intents and purposes, there wouldn't be an obvious connection between the two of us. So, if we could convincingly act as though we don't know each other..."

"Oh, how exciting!" Seri latched onto the idea with glee. "Roleplay! I can do that. My acting skills are nothing to be sneezed at, you know."

Jeong-hyeok seemed only half-convinced, but he followed along as Seri asked for the bill, looked up the nearest department store and made a beeline for it. It was her turn to shop now.

Once she'd found the floor for cocktail and formal dresses, Seri slowed down and smiled. Now this was her home turf.

She cast a critical eye over the racks of dresses. Once satisfied that she had assessed the selection on offer, she walked briskly throughout the store, swiftly picking out the dresses she thought would suit best. Jeong-hyeok trailed behind, looking equal parts amused and bewildered. "I don't think this is how women normally shop," he commented.

"Time is money," Seri said, heading for the changing rooms with the four dresses she had decided on. She glanced back to find Jeong-hyeok hesitating. He was probably going to do something overly chivalrous like offer to wait somewhere else. "Look – it's totally empty at this time. They're standalone changing rooms anyway. Stand outside to give me some opinions, Jeong-hyeok ssi."

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