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He grits his teeth, yellow eyes blazing, before releasing you with a snarl.

You leap out of his lap, staggering on your new legs. You grab onto a tree to steady yourself as they bow beneath your weight. It's strange and terrifying; your legs feel too long, your body too heavy. It feels like you're walking on stilts. The branches above seem much closer than before. In fact, everything seems so different.

The pain might be mostly gone but you're dizzy and weak and you take a moment to catch your breath, not to mention get your bearings in this strange new world. How can being tall make everything seem so different? You look down in a panic as you feel something trickle out of you, worried it's more blood. No, it's just semen. It makes you sick.

You just fucked a monster. What have you done?

You look across your shoulder at a grunt. He's getting to his feet now, looking mean, his face all twisted up, his lips pulled back. With a gasp, you take off at a staggering sprint. You run fast, faster than you've ever run before.

Leaves whip your face. The cool air stings your eyes and burns your lungs. Your legs are sore and yet they feel strong, like you could run for hours. You've never been a good runner—you've always needed to stop after a few minutes, breathless and tired—but not tonight and it's more than just because you're being chased.

It feels good. You feel powerful.

Even still, you know it's not enough. No matter how you feel, he's bigger, stronger, faster.

You're no match for him.

You can hear him behind you, his fury and desperation. While you duck, leap and weave between obstacles, he smashes through the trees like they're nothing more than sticks. A destructive force that cannot be stopped.

Your body was always meant for mine.

As though echoing your thoughts, comes his roar, 'You're mine!'

His heavy footsteps thunder in your ears. You can hear him snarling and grunting and gasping. He's too close. You throw yourself ahead but it's too little, too late. There's the loud crack! of a snapping branch. Then something heavy slams against your back and you're up in the air, shrieking as he hauls you off your feet, his big, trunk-like arms wrapped around your hips.

'Didn't you hear me? You're mine!'

Then you're on the ground, on your hands and knees, with him on top of you. You're both panting hard and you can feel his chest and thighs and pelvis squeeze around you every time he exhales. You can feel it too, hard and very hot against your arse. How can he be erect again so soon?

Animal. Monster.

Just like you.

'Let me go!' You throw back your head, hoping to butt him in the face but he pulls back just in time and seizes one of your horns, pulling your head down. And there he starts kissing the back of your neck.

'Stop!' You try to thrash against him but the hold he has on you is impossible to break.

He kisses you along the breadth of your shoulders before pressing his face into your neck with a groan.

'Stop,' you murmur as he gently nibbles your throat. 'Stop,' you whisper.

Releasing your horn, he pulls back and smooths his hands around your backside. 'You're so beautiful.'

You don't move, not because you can't, but because you don't want to. He smooths his hands around your hips, then back up your belly in a swirling pattern, before cupping your breasts. Lifting your head, you gasp. You try to shout for him to stop, you brim with the urge to throw him off, but you can't form the words.

It's the last thing you want.

Instead, you drop onto your elbows so you can lift your backside higher into the air. Even as you do you hate yourself for it. Where's your willpower? Where's your backbone?

'Take me,' you growl. 'Take me again and again.'

He moves his hands back to your backside. He smooths them over you again and you force yourself to bite back a groan at how good it feels. His hands are so big and warm. You can feel the callouses on his palms. They're scratchy and wonderful.

You want him to touch you more.

He lowers one of his hands between your legs. You spread your thighs wider so it's easier for him to explore you. Gently, he touches your soft, willing lips, still coated with his semen. Again, you bite back a groan. Then he traces his fingers slowly along your slit. How can something so violent be so gentle? His touch burns so bad that you gasp against your will.

Then he shifts his hips and you bite your lip as he presses the hard hot tip of his shaft against you. It doesn't feel real. It doesn't feel normal. It's too big. How can your body take him?

But it does, just as it did before.

You feel the lips of your vagina peel back as he slowly pushes into you; they peel back wider and wider as the full, hard thickness of him slides into you. You throw your head back with another gasp. He grabs onto your hips tightly, probably afraid you'll resist or try to get away again.

That's not going to happen, no matter how much your good sense screams that you should defy him.

Dropping your chin to your chest, you grunt, then snort as he fills you up. The grip on your hips tightens. You spread your thighs more and lean more heavily on your elbows as you fully submit to him, giving yourself to him entirely.

In and in he goes, seemingly without end. Wider and wider, you open up to him. His breathing is fast and irregular, he grunts and snorts and licks his lips, until, finally, you've taken him all in. For a short while neither of you move, enjoying being a part of each other, enjoying the feeling of being one for just this short time.

It doesn't last long, of course. You're aching. He's no doubt in agony. Slowly, he pulls out, leaving too much empty space behind, before thrusting back into you, smacking his hips against your buttocks. He pulls back, then thrusts again, hard enough that it throws you forward. Clawing your fingers into the grass, you close your eyes, enjoying that terrible, wonderful burn deep inside you. You can feel his shaft swelling. You can feel the tip of it pressing hard up inside you in a slight curve; your body can hardly contain him.

And yet all you want is more of him.

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