Unnatural Instinct: Android

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You've survived a shocking accident but not without crippling injuries. You're bitter and hateful and all you want to do is die. Then your mother purchases an android to help care for you. Can he take your abuse and convince you that life is still worth living?

After sustaining permanent injuries from a truck accident, you've spent the last two years imprisoned in a wheelchair. Depressed, bitter and in pain, you drive everyone away, including the very nurses who help care for you. At her wit's end, your mother purchases Hiro, an android, to fill their place.

Unlike a human, Hiro feels nothing when you abuse and assault him, nor does he notice your hideous scars. And soon you find yourself falling for him. It seems he's falling for you too, impossible as it is.

Perhaps there is a future for you, after all, as long as Hiro is around. But what does it mean when a robot feels emotion? If he can love, what else might he be capable of?

If you liked Transform, you can purchase the ebook or paperback from my website at www.gmarksm.wordpress.com

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