Chapter 5

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Eliza saw me as soon as we walked in, and she called us over to where she was sitting.

“What in the holy Moses happened to you? Why are you all muddy, and who are your friends?” I shrugged, sitting down.

“Training exercise, I’ll fill you in later.” I gave her the look, you know the one all girls give each other? The one that says have I got a story for you. “Oh, and this is Jamie and Cody, two of my fellow warriors,” They all shook hands, and I could tell from the way that Eliza was looking at Jamie she clearly had a favourite.

“Well I am just starved. You wanna get in line for food?” She was talking to all of us, but it was very clearly not an open invitation.

“I’m good. You go ahead, Cody and I will save our seats.” Cody looked at me, as if he were about to argue, when Jamie winked at him. A look of understanding washed over him as he agreed.

“Yeah you two go ahead. Can’t leave the newbie alone.” As they got up I looked around the room. It was a massive open area, dark hardwood tables scattered around the room, with kids all ages eating and talking. Towards the front of the room was a sort of closed off store area where I assumed the food was. There was a massive stone fireplace in the middle of the room, with smaller tables and leather chairs around it. To the side was a wall made completely of windows, which backed onto a patio area. The curtains were a light crème coloured gauze and it made the leather and dark wood look less harsh. I scanned the room looking for Jasper, knowing I needed to talk to him before I went back to Sawyer. A group of girls my age made their way to our table, surrounding Cody. He introduced them to me, but I wasn’t really paying attention.

“Cody, I need to go find Jasper. Will you tell Eliza I’ll see her later tonight? After classes are done?”

“Yeah no problem. See ya later Bronwyn.” He grinned as the girls once again engulfed him, and I got up to scan the room better. I was just leaving the hall when someone grabbed my arm.

“Wynn, we need to talk.” He appeared out of nowhere, but I was glad, because he was right. He guided me over to a corner of the hall, where we could have a little privacy. His deep blue eyes were staring intently at me, and he didn’t let go of my arm.

“How are you feeling? Are you alright? You know, since what happened earlier and whatnot…” He trailed off, taking in all of me.

“Why are you so muddy? What do they teach you in training?” He let go of me, a look of distain passing over his face. I shrugged back, feeling self-conscious, then immediately scolded myself internally. Why was I feeling self-conscious? I was a kick ass warrior.

“Oh come on Jasper, are you really that surprised? We both know how dirty I can get.” I grinned, proud of how fast I had come up with that. I could see the wheels in his head turning when a girl came up and interrupted us.

“Jasper, we have to get going. Class starts soon, we don’t want to be late.” She barely even acknowledged my presence, but I was extremely aware of her. She tilted her head coyly when she was talking to him, and her fingers grazed his upper arm. He nodded towards me, looking at her.

“Acacia, this is Bronwyn. Bronwyn, meet Acacia Locke, fellow elemental.” She turned to me and grinned a megawatt smile, not moving to shake my hand.

“Ahhh, the famous new female warrior. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” Her voice was low and commanding, but also extremely feminine. It represented her perfectly. She had long black brown hair that fell in perfect Victoria’s Secret-like curls, which matched her hazelnut eyes. I had to slightly tilt my head up when I was talking to her, so I assumed she was around five eleven. She was extremely thin, and her skin was a dark olive tone. If Cleopatra were alive today, she would look exactly like this girl.

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