Chapter Nine

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"You will get to pick your partners," the English teacher said. For once, the rumor about a huge project was true. "But it can't be anyone you've previously worked with." I saw girls glancing towards possible candidates and wasn't surprised when no one glanced towards me. I shrugged off my jealousy and hoped that the teacher would let me work alone like I usually do.

Watching everyone walk up to him to see if they were approved or denied, I looked to see what group Ashton was in. Not because I was interested by because there was always a hoard of girls who fought over him. I felt a smile play out on my lips as Ashton leaned back in his chair with a confused glance on his face. It was obvious that everyone knew he and Serenity were an item. Serenity would definitely show any girl who even thought about partnering up with him what it meant to her to "attempt to break up the perfect couple". Ashton didn't see it this way though since got up from his desk and frantically searched for a partner. Denial after denial, Ashton looked around the room again and laid his eyes on me.

Quickly, I jumped out of my seat and left the room two minutes before the bell rang. I'm not sure if he was suggesting working together but I can't take the chance. I didn't need Serenity to hate me even more.

My foot wasn't completely healed yet.

Since English was my last period of the day, I immediately went to my locker and grabbed my work clothes. I slammed my locker shut and skipped to the be bathroom to make the fastest change. As i slid Liam's sweatpants down to my ankles, I heard more feet come in the room. Swiftly, I yanked some khaki's on and placed my clothes on the back of the toilet and managed to hang my work shirt on the hook by the door.

"Meg will get what's coming."

Knowing exactly who's voice that was, I managed to get my foot placement on the toilet. I didn't want Serenity to see me and knowing she had her gang with her, made me even uneasy. She was mean alone but was vicious when other people were with her.

Having the knowledge that as soon as they left I would need to run full speed to work to arrive five minutes late, I quickly took my hair from the ponytail and ran my fingers through it. Holding the wall for support, I quietly took my shirt and set it near the others. Since I forgot to grab my shirt from the hook, I leaned forward a bit grab it. Successful, I ripped it from the hook but felt my foot begin to slide as I was straightening back up. Feeling the water splash inside my shoe, I dropped the shirt and caught my balance on the stall door. I bit my lip and hoped they didn't hear. But how could they not?

Looking at the floor, I saw a pair of white, slightly dirty sneakers approach the stall door. After hearing the lock on the door being mangled with, I felt the force of the stall open and hit my elbows off the ground and bruised my kneecap on the tile floor. feeling my foot come out of the black flat, I started getting up when white sneakers' put her foot on my back.

"Serenity," she called. When all of the girls came over, I saw evil smiles spread on their faces. Moving out of the way for Serenity, white sneakers grabbed my shirt and other clothes and left. She no doubt put them in a toilet.

"I've got this," Serenity stated. Her girls left the bathroom and the she-devil crouched beside me, clicking her tongue across the roof of her mouth. "Eavesdropping, huh?" She grabbed the back of my hair and lifted so I was looking at her. "I thought better of you."


"No." Letting my head fall, she looked over my body and then smiled. "You'll get a suspension without a top, unless you want to wear a toilet water one."

Thankfully, my hair was covering any bruises that might've been showing.

"Alright, get up." I did almost immediately and wrapped my arms around my body. Serenity twirled her finger to indicate that I should turn around. I hesitated a moment and that gave her enough energy to force me and kneel in front of the toilet.

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