Chapter Eighteen

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Throughout the whole entire day, people have been avoiding me. I noticed when I saw that some people were going to talk to me but then once they saw that I had bruises on my face, they turned away. I noticed this when Meg, Ashton, and Malcolm did this. Although I think the whole reason that Malcolm turned around was because Liam was right behind me and was nodding his head at him. Malcolm did as he was told and I couldn't help but think that he looked like he was under mind control. He always obeyed what Liam said and didn't have a backbone with him.

I thought harder on it and couldn't help but think about how I act around father. I never disobeyed him and I always did what he said without a question. My mind immediately raced to if Liam was abusing Malcolm. I knew that it was very, very unlikely but I couldn't help but worry for him since he used to be my best friend. Through everything that I've been through, I couldn't talk to him. Not only because of Liam and my job was fired, but because I didn't want him to get hurt again.

He got hurt because of me. At first I didn't think it was true but now that I know that dude was father's friend, I knew that it was because of me. He didn't want me to run away with him or anything. Although it wouldn't make much of a difference since I'd only be moving a house away.

The bell rang that indicated that it was time for me to go to my second-to-last period of the day. Unfortunately this was the period I had with Dustin and knowing him, he'll ask about my face. I'll probably give an excuse than my home life because I don't want him to know yet. I want to tell the nurse before I even begin to tell others. Since the nurse was one of the people I trusted, I would definitely tell her. If she believed me, that means I could tell the principal or a counselor.

I was going to tell her at the end of the day though. I know that Ashton would be irritable that he would have to wait but I was okay with that. I know Ashton didn't really care about what my home situation was about, but I finally had enough courage to tell someone that I was stoked to tell someone. I was finally going to be free of him and if anything, they'll put me in a women's shelter. That would be last resort though because I'd prefer to stay in the district despite that I'm bullied at school too.

I sat down with my books in my hands. The bell rang again to indicate that the beginning of class was beginning. Of course, it didn't really feel like class anymore since there were only two months left. It was too hot to teach anyway. The only thing that was happening in the classrooms was that people were being told what their finals were on. I wasn't worried since I was a really studious pupil to the teachers. The only subject I was bad in was math. That didn't matter though because our teacher was retiring this year and said he didn't want to overwhelm us with anything. He just wanted to relax his last year of teaching.

As I began to get comfortable in my seat, I realized that Dustin wasn't in math today. I knew for a fact that he was in school today because I saw him throughout the hallways of the school. It was uncharacteristic of him to miss one period if he came to school that day. It is characteristic, though, for him to miss a lot of school days. When he was in school, he was a good enough student to report to every class that he had.

Instead of thinking too much on the subject, I leaned forward in my seat and set my forehead on my forearms. I discovered this position was the most comfortable that I could sit in without feeling strained or pain. Without anyone to talk to me, I discovered a lot of things throughout the day. I could even eavesdrop on other conversations and nobody would know.

Serenity and Ashton are getting serious.

Aston and Meg are finished.

Meg isn't putting out anymore.

Liam and Malcolm's relationship is straining.

It was mostly stupid things that were being said but I didn't believe most of it. Although I did believe that Serenity and Ashton were getting serious. That would explain why Serenity has been getting nicer because she finally has a guy that will stay with her. Ashton has stopped flirting with girls, I have noticed. Whenever we work on our project in English—which is rare—he actually tries to help me with it. Although he is a bit under par because he doesn't know anything about our subject.

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