Chapter Thirteen

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"So Liam and I found a small house," Malcolm said as he washed the last table down. I was a bit surprised because last week Malcolm said he didn't even want a new apartment and that they even gave up trying to don something in their price range. I didn't even know they had a price range. Don't you need money to have a price range? "I know what you're thinking but it's in the ghetto so it's really cheap." As Malcolm came back over to return the rag, I stared out the window longingly. Dustin hasn't spoken to me unless we were at the library. Mainly because he's working on his English project with Serenity. With Liam missing so many days in English, Dustin was assigned to work with Meg. Dustin didn't tell me any part of the story so all I know is that Serenity worked her magic and she became Dustin's new partner. "I'm sure once everything's for, he'll start visiting again." I shook my gaze from the window and looked back at Malcolm. He smirked at me to tell me he knew me that good. "Besides, Serenity's dating Ashton." I could help but make a really unappealing sound come from my throat that was a mix between a snort and a laugh.

"You honestly think that Serenity's faithful?" I asked. "Both of them, actually."

"Well, then have faith in Dustin." I leaned my hip against the counter and thought about it. Dustin was extremely nice and Ruth always talked about him like a saint. "But back to me," Malcolm said dramatically. I smiled and listened to him ramble about his house. "It's a dump and a real danger hazard." He rolled his eyes and laid his top half on the counter, reaching out so his fingers curled at the edge of it. "The surrounding houses suck too. It takes about an hour to get to school in the bus. Imagine walking!"

"So why'd you get it?" Malcolm looked up from the counter and rose his body from it.

"It's cheap and Liam's parents are sending him to therapy. They're trying to understand why he's a screw-up basically. He can't take it there anymore."

"Can't he live with you until you guys find a suitable apartment?" I asked. From behind the counter, I grabbed a stack of napkins, sugar packets, and stirring straws and set them on top of the counter. "I mean, I just don't think you should rush it. You guys aren't out of school yet and Liam doesn't have a job yet." Walking from table to table, I grabbed every napkin dispenser, straw cup, and packet holder. Clumsily, I dropped everything to the counter and started refilling all of the things. I could feel Malcolm staring at me from the corner of my eye but instead of looking at him, I continued doing my job.

After about two minutes of struggling with the napkin dispensers, Malcolm sighed and took it from my hands. I was thankful but didn't say so since we never really used our manners around each other. As soon as he was done with the napkins and placed them on the tables, he stared out the window. For a minute I felt like I had offended him with something I had said but when he looked away from the window, I knew he was going to tell me what it was.

"Do you know who is willing to hire a gay?" Malcolm asked. Before I could even think about it, Malcolm hurried to answer. "No one, that's who. Everywhere I turn, I see disappointing faces. Almost no one buys anything when I'm here because if they do, they'll be shamed too." Malcolm shook his head slightly disappointed and angered. "As if being gay is a disease and they'll get it if they come too close." For once in my life, I thought Malcolm was going to cry but before he did, he focused his attention back to me and it was a serious expression. "The only reason I got this job is because of you." I nodded my head to confirm. "You have a second job at the library." I nodded my head again and instantly knew where he was going. "Liam's been trying. Do you think you could convince Ruth to hire him?" I paused for a moment but ended up nodding my head. Malcolm's smile reappeared and he ran to give me a hug. "Thank you! Thank you!! How could I ever repay you?"

"Hmm..." I said pretending to think. "Show me where you live."


"With Liam there."

"That's a deal breaker but I'll try."

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