Pregnant By The School's Player.

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Chapter 1:

Sophia's POV:

I wake up slowly, yawning and rubbing my eyes. I felt cold; the bed covers were barely covering me. I pull them over me and hear a groan come from the opposite side of the bed. Instinctively I sit up in the bed and open my eyes wide. This wasn't my room, where was I? I look around the room and the last person who I expect to see was beside me in the bed. Jake Campbell! The school's number one player! He yawns too and stretches his arms. I try and take my eyes off his bulging muscles and then it hits me, he's naked! I lift the covers up slowly; scared to see the same and notice I'm naked too.

"No, no, no," I whisper.

"Oh yeah, baby," he smirks, gazing at me sexily.

"Put some clothes on!" I shout.

"You didn't want them on last night," he sneers. My heart sinks... Please, please, let us not have done anything last night. I try and remember what happened. He had a party at his house, I came with my friends, he asked if I wanted to dance and I said yes. Then we started making out... and we all know what happened next, I lost my virginity at 16!

"How could I be so stupid?" I mutter.

"I wouldn't say what we did last night was stupid," he disagrees, "I thought it was amazing." His voice is so damn sexy and alluring! I tear my gaze from him and pull the covers around me, while getting off of the bed. I search for my clothes but to no avail.

"Where the fuck are they?" I murmur and he sighs.

"They're over there." He points to them and I hurry over to them. I grab them and go into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed and when I come back out, he has some boxers on and the biggest smirk ever, causing me to roll my eyes at him. "You seemed to like what you saw last night."

"Fuck off, Jake." I look at him one last time, that body that I craved so much since last year and now I finally got it. Those amazing, warm, inviting, chocolate brown eyes and his sexy dark hair made me want him more. What am I thinking?! He's a player, you can't fall for his tricks again, he did this to every girl in school.

"Sophia," he whispers seductively. I shake my head and storm out of the room. There were still people here from last night, all of them were drunk and had hangovers. I run out of the house, looking for a way home. My friend Jayden's car was gone; he drove me here last night, along with my other best friend, Emily. Guess I have to walk home now, great.

When I reach home, I quietly close the door, so no one will realise I'm only coming home now, instead of last night, like I was supposed to. When I walk into the kitchen, my eighteen year old brother, James, and my fifteen year old brother, Zach, are standing there looking at me. Shit, I'm fucked. Ironically, I already was last night.

"Where the hell have you been?" James demands to know.

"Are Mum and Dad gone?" I ask.

"They left an hour ago," Zach answers and I sigh with relief. Thank god that I didn't have to deal with them shouting at me, but when they come home, I'm in trouble.

"Hello?" James reminds.

"Chill out, I was at Emily's house," I lie, sitting down at the dining table.

"So you didn't stay over at that Jake's house?" James questions, not believing a word I say.

"Of course I didn't, do you see me as some slut or something?" I ask, hurt. I guess now I am like one of those sluts Jake hangs around with.

"No I don't, I'm sorry for accusing you," he apologises. Zach comes over to me and smells my breath.

"She's clean," Zach notes. I can't believe they thought I drank alcohol! They know that that's nothing like me!

Let me tell you some things about me, I am the good girl who obeys the rules. I am smart and get good grades. Also, my parents are rich, so we live in a big, expensive house. I'm pretty and tall, I have long golden brown hair and a fringe with green eyes with flecks of amber in them. I'm quite popular but I only really hang around with my best friends, Emily and Jayden.

Never in my life did I think that a guy like Jake would ever look at me, let alone have sex with me. I've dreamt, like every other girl in school, for Jake to be my boyfriend and then one day we can get married and live our lives in each other's arms. Okay, maybe that's taking it a bit too far but yes I have a major crush on him, since almost forever. I shake my head, stop thinking about him!

"I'm sorry for not texting you where I was," I say guiltily, looking down to the ground.

"It's okay, little sis, I'm just glad you're okay, I thought something bad had happened," James worries and I smile at him.

Zoey, our maid, makes me some breakfast and I eat it. Zoey is like my big sister, she is always there for me. She's 27 years old and a great friend. I can't stop thinking about Jake and last night's events. He used me for sex, like he used every other girl. He made me feel like he liked me. He even said it last night, but it was just a lie. I start to think about his shaggy, dark hair, his gorgeous eyes and his muscular, sexy body, which makes me crave him.

"Honey, are you all right? You're drooling," Zoey states, with a small smile on her face. Oh my god, I'm drooling. I wipe my mouth quickly and look away with embarrassment.

"Um...yeah, I'm fine." That night, after getting grounded by my parents for a week, I go to bed. I lie on my bed and get out my phone from my bag. There were seven texts from Jake and two missed calls. Why was he ringing me? I check one of the texts.

Hey, baby, why'd you leave? How about you come over during the weekend? I'd really like you to xx.

Yeah, so you can get into my pants again. No way, I want to be in a relationship with them first before I go having sex and Jake isn't the guy for relationships. He's just the kind of person for one night stands and when he has girlfriends, he ends up cheating on them or breaking up with them the next day. I don't want to end up with a broken heart, so I don't reply to any of the texts. Instead, I go straight to sleep and forget about him.

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