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There was a train in 1888 on an old train bridge that had tipped into the river with 17 passengers and one Railroad Engineer. Until this day, every night at dark, a faded train just like the one that had tipped comes by on the same bridge at the same time, reliving the event. So, whatever you do, even if you will be grounded if you don't, DO NOT cross any old train bridges. Especially at night.

One night, poor innocent Shannon who was 13 and was supposed to be home by dark. She had lost track of time and realized it was dark out. Her friend had offered to walk her home but she said it was okay. She left her friend’s house and used the old train bridge to get home quicker. Just as she was in the middle of the bridge, she thought, ‘What was that I could feel?' Three seconds before that, she could feel a cool breeze. As she turned around, she gasped. What was coming towards her was so frightning. She saw a white train filled with 17 dead passengers and one merciless railroad engineer. The train drove right into her. That same event also plays over every night on the same bridge at the same time.

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