𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝓃𝑒

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-Alberto Giordano point of view- (Ariana's dad)

We are currently on the private jet anxiously waiting to arrive in Wales. Ivon and Alfonso were in the room in the back, playing video games, or whatever 16 and 17-year-olds do now. Leonardo, Marcell, and I were working on our legal business, our hotels, restaurants, and casinos. Rossano was e-mailing coworkers and patients. Lastly, the twins were working on new weapons and torture devices.

(time skip- at the station)

We arrived at a small police station and walked in. I was greeted by the lady I talked to on the phone, Sarah. She called us into a room and told us all to have a seat.

"ok, she's sleeping in a bunk we have in the back, but before you see her I wanted to warn you about something," officer Sarah says

"ok, go on with it I want to see my sister," Lucca snaps.

"well, you see, I see on the DNA test, that she is about 14, but she is really small like so small, I mistook her for a seven-year-old," she explains

"ok, so she is a little short, like her mother. Her mother was only 5'5'' so what's the problem, can we see her now?" I ask she gets up and tells us to follow her. We turn into a room and see a very tiny girl with sweats on.

"papà, pensi che sia salutare per un quattordicenne assomigliare a un bambino di sei anni?" (dad, do you think it's healthy for a fourteen-year-old to look like a six year old?) my youngest son askes me.

"forse avrà solo uno scatto di crescita in ritardo, ma è così Piccola." (maybe she will just have a lagged growth spurt, but she still seems so small.) Rossano says. We all nod hoping that is the explanation to why she looks over 2 feet shorter than all of us.

After a few minutes of admiring that we finally found the baby of our family, she started to stir. I told all of my boys to leave, not wanting to overwhelm the tiny girl in front of me.

"sweetness, you need to wake up, your family is here to meet you." The officer says. I see her open her eyes, and she has the same blue-green eyes that she inherited from her mother and me, but different. once she is fully awake she looks at me. I can see her fear in her body language, she tenses, like a flinch, and it breaks my heart.

"hi, piccolo" (little one) I say as softly as I can. She looks like she is judging what to do, but she waves, nonetheless. we will have to change that, our family only tolerates when people verbalize themselves, that rule has been around forever. I became pretty strict with the rule because my parents were strict with me.

-Ariana Rella Giordano point of view-

This scary man was there when I woke up, which scared the shmit out of me. I also think he might be Italian, because one, he has an accent, and two, he just called me 'little one' in Italian. I was too scared to talk, I've met more people so far today, and yesterday than I have ever met in my whole life before.

"I am your father, ragazza dolce" (sweet girl)

"y-you a-are my-y p-papà?" I ask scared and excited that that monster from my old house is not my real dad. He smiles broadly.

"yes, mia figlia, I am your real papà," (my daughter) he says excitedly.

"And there are more people outside who can't wait to see you," He adds.

"o-ok, d-do y-you mi-mind I-if I as-ask who they a-are?" I struggle to get out, but I feel like a can start talking to them a little bit. I don't think I am going to tell them about my punishments, I don't want them to give me a beating for complaining.

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