Part 1 - Deception

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A person clad in dark grey was rushing from one shadow of a house to another shadow. Nobody noticed as the person was fast. Nothing could be noticed that would identify the person. Just as it was the intention of said person. If he would be identified there would be massive accusations about him doing something illegal. Which would only result in him getting dragged to the old man again. No, he had other plans tonight. The empty streets of his home village, he used the term home very loosely, were working well for his plans. Finally he reached his hideout. He pressed a stone in a wall and said wall glided aside soundlessly, the wonders of silencing seals, and let him in. As soon as he had walked inside, the wall slid back, pretending nothing of interest could be found there.

The person lit a lantern and now features could be identified. The Person was about one meter and fifty in height, slim, male and wearing dark grey pants that were taped with black bandages at the ankles and a long sleeved grey shirt that was kept in place with grey arm guards. He wore black gloves with dull metal plates on the back. His head was hidden by a hood and a mask that only left his eyes uncovered. Now he pulled of the mask from his lower face and the hood down. Spiky yellow hair was revealed as were three whisker like birthmarks on the boy's cheeks.

He walked down the stairs behind the disguised door and reached a room after five minutes of walking down. He lit the lights and now the whole room was visible. The room was massive. It was rectangular and divided in six parts by shoulder high walls. Only one part was closed up completely, the one on the far left. Four parts were about the same size and two were double their size. He walked over to a wall in one of the smaller parts and took three sealing scrolls out of his pouch on his belt. He unrolled one scroll that was labelled with 'weapons' and began unsealing the contents.

Several shuriken and kunai, one short sword, two katanas, four kodachis, a chain sickle, a container with senbons, two windmill shuriken and four daggers were taken out of the sealing scroll and placed, sorted by kinds, in a shelf where other weapons were stored. The bigger weapons like the swords in various sizes went on the wall next to the shelf. Then the boy walked to another shelf in the neighbouring part, which was loaded with scrolls of different kinds. The single shelves were labelled with the category of the information in the scrolls.

One shelf had a sign for water, one for wind, one for fire, one for earth and one for lightning. Then there were non-elemental, taijutsu, kenjutsu, fuinjutsu, clan techniques, politics and noble families, geography, survival, and strategy. He again unsealed the contents of the second scroll and sorted the scrolls he took out into the respective categories. He would need to look them over later, but now he had other things to do. The last scroll he took out revealed to hold bags that jingled when they were moved. There were coins in them. Other bags rustled, there were bills in them. He stored the money in the bags in a safe next to the shelf with the scrolls.

"A good haul tonight." The boy said to himself. "I really like chunin exams. I always get many new supplies that way."

He went to the part that was on the farthest right side of the room. There was a small bathroom with a shower, a sink, a toilet and a bathtub in the back part and a kitchen in the front part. He turned the shower on and while he waited for the water to get warm he undressed. He tested the water and then stepped under the shower. He enjoyed the warm water for some time before he took the shower foam and cleaned his body. When he had washed it off, he shampooed his hair. Once he was clean, he turned off the water, walked out of the shower and took a towel from a stand. He dried his body and his hair before putting on night clothes. The part opposite the bathroom, the one completely separate from the rest of the room, was a bedroom with furniture he had made himself. He had a wardrobe, a bed, a night table and chest of drawers. The carpet, the blanket, the pillows and the mattress he had bought under a transformation jutsu.

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