Part 41 - Mission: Stop the Jashinists

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Mission: Stop the Jashinists

Naruto stood in front of Kakashi, giving his report on the mission, with Shimon adding his observations. Then the other four gave their reports before Kakashi dismissed them. He only let Naruto in his Dark Phoenix disguise stay.

"ANBU teams seven and fifteen are to be ready to go in ten minutes," Kakashi ordered and a slight blip leaving was the only indication for Naruto that an ANBU had left to follow the order, "Now, Naruto," Kakashi turned to his student, "I wonder why you decided that retreat was the best course of action."

"I knew that I wouldn't be able to protect all the victims from two Jashinists, sensei," Naruto answered, pulling off the hood and lower face mask, "While, if the worst would have happened and the only way to kill the aspiring high priestess, before she could start the ritual, was to also kill the captives, I would have done so, with Hidan in the picture as well though, it wasn't an option anymore. I know that I could take on one Jashinist with enough preparation, even Hidan, but not when he had the stronger position. With two of them there, he could have covered Mala to let her do the ritual. We needed to get everybody away.

"After all, the ritual didn't really care if the people were already dead before you bled them out. And it takes some time before a body doesn't bleed anymore after dying. It wasn't possible within the time perimeters, sensei," Naruto explained.

"Good to see that your success on other missions hasn't gone to your head, Naruto, and you are able to judge when you should rather retreat and make a better plan," Kakashi stated satisfied, "I was a bit concerned about it. What we need are some seals that the two won't expect to equip the ANBU teams with. I want you and your shadow clones to draw as many seals as you can until the ANBU teams will arrive here. I need standard explosive tags, poison seals, elemental seals, poisoned senbon shooter seals, chakra suppressor seals, those nasty new blood vessel bursting seals and the chakra beam shooter seals that Neji tested in Snow Country," Kakashi listed.

"Understood," Naruto confirmed and made twenty five shadow clones, which immediately flashed away, then he repeated the process six more times, simply because the office wasn't large enough for more clones at once.

He knelt on the floor and created the poison seals himself, with a bottle of liquid poison that Kakashi handed him. He mixed the poison into the ink and the poison would enter the body of the victim on contact. Any kind of liquid or powdered poison was suited for this, as they could be mixed with the ink. Though liquid form was better. Once they were done, he also made the counter seals. It wouldn't do after all if an ANBU was accidentally poisoned to have him die from it. The time for the ANBU to get to the office was gone and Naruto back in disguise when they appeared. Only those ANBU that constantly guarded the Hokage in his office and a few others were privy to his identity after all.

"The mission is the termination of Jashinists Hidan and Mala. A team of chunin has encountered them and managed to just get their captives away before they could perform a ritual that would have summoned a reaper spirit to turn Mala into a high priestess of Jashin. It won't take the two too long to find replacement victims. While there aren't any villages close by, it will only give us four to five days at most. If they want to get things done quickly, they will not care for stealth this time around. They know that we're up to their attempt now and that will lead to them rushing their plans.

"The seal that they set up was handicapped, but it will be back to working order by the time they will need to catch replacement sacrifices. They need fifty of them to call forth the reaper spirit. Hidan can't be killed, even if you stab him, behead him, or burn him. You would need to totally destroy his body to succeed. He already has absorbed a reaper spirit after massacring his old village, the Hot Springs Village.

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