Part 24 - Beginning of the Chunin Exams

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Beginning of the Chunin Exams

Finally it was time for the chunin exams to begin. The Sandaime Hokage had assembled all the jonins of the village to get the teams that would participate nominated.

"Well, we will start with the new genin. Technically each genin that has done a minimum of eight missions can be nominated, normally of course they would have done more." The Hokage said.

Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma stepped forward, Kakashi looking smugger than usual. The Hokage knew that last night Kakashi had won the bet whose team would collect most points over the span of six months. It was only by two points, but he had won. Sakura had beaten Choji and surprisingly Shino in their last one-on-one spars, Sasuke beat Hinata and Shikamaru while Naruto took out Ino and Kiba. All the teams had developed exceptionally and he had no doubt that they would all be nominated. Kurenai was first.

"I, Kurenai Yuuhi, sensei of team eight, consisting of Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuga recommend these three under the name of Kurenai Yuuhi to take the chunin exams." She said making the confrontation sign.

Asuma followed.

"I, Asuma Sarutobi, sensei of team ten, consisting of Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi nominate these three under the name of Asuma Sarutobi to take the chunin exams." He said using the same sign.

Kakashi gave the Hokage a look and got a nod. It was time to reveal some secrets.

"I, Kakashi Hatake, sensei of team seven, consisting of Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Namikaze" A loud intake of breath from nearly all jonin was heard, but Kakashi ignored it, "nominate these three under the name Kakashi Hatake to take the chunin exams."

"What do you mean, Namikaze, he can't be Yondaime Sama's son!" One man called out enraged.

"I think I would know my sensei's only son, Giichi." Kakashi said coldly. "He is finally ready to take up his heritage. I have trained him to the best of my ability for the last six months to be ready as I know that Iwa and possibly Kumo might try to assassinate him once his identity is known. Why do you think no spy was capable of getting a good picture of Naruto for their bingo books after our Wave Country mission?"

That shocked the jonins. Only Asuma seemed relaxed.

"I should have made a bet; I would have won a lot of money." Asuma said chuckling.

"I figured you had figured it out by now. You were the one to test him after all." Kakashi said.

"I would be a lousy jonin if I hadn't noticed the similarities in the fighting styles." Asuma confirmed.

"This is all well, but we need to continue with the nominations." The Hokage said.

"Of course, Hokage Sama. I, Gai Maito, sensei of team nine, consisting of the youthful Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga and Tenten Jakonato nominate my three youthful students to take the jonin exams." Gai continued giving the nice guy pose at the end.

The senseis that wanted to nominate their teams followed one after the other, none of them as exuberant as Gai though.

"Good, then we have twenty nine teams taking the exams. I expect all of your students to represent Konoha worthwhile. Now on to the next topic. As you probably have heard by now, I will step down again after the chunin exams. As they will start in exactly seven days from now, I will tell you now who I have chosen as the Godaime Hokage." The Sandaime said.

This got the full attention of all jonin. They had waited a whole month since the news had broken through that the Professor wanted to retire again.

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