Part 6 - Harsh Training

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Harsh Training

Team seven was present at their training ground at six like Kakashi had asked. When five minutes past six Kakashi hadn't appeared, Naruto started jogging around the training ground.

"Naruto you idiot, what are you doing?" Sakura yelled.

Naruto just shot a senbon at her to shut her up. It hit and she wasn't fast enough to pull it out before the poison started working. Sakura stood again paralysed in the spot she had been. Naruto kept running. After ten laps, he started stretching. Just when he wanted to start with strength exercises Kakashi appeared in a cloud of smoke. Sakura was freed from the paralysing poison and wanted to hit Naruto.

"Sakura stop it. Sasuke, report what happened." Kakashi ordered.

"At five past six, Naruto started running around the field, Sakura shouted at him what he was doing, Naruto hit her with one of his senbons that are coated in a paralysing poison again and he continued his exercises. He just finished stretching and Sakura got over the effect of the poison when you appeared." Sasuke said.

"I see. Sakura, what reason did you have for shouting at Naruto?" Kakashi asked.

"He is just trying to make himself look better than Sasuke. And he should have waited for you to tell us what we should do." She accused Naruto.

"Naruto, what do you have to say?" Kakashi asked.

"I have sensitive hearing and warned her several times now that I won't take her screeching anymore. She is a kunoichi and should behave like that if she doesn't want to be killed on a mission. And the poison just paralyses her for some minutes. This type had duration of ten minutes. I was doing general warm-up exercises to use the time until you came efficiently. Nothing more than running and stretching. I would have continued with push-ups if you hadn't appeared." Naruto said.

"I see. Sakura, work on your attitude. There is no reason to yell at your team-mate for doing a warm-up to breach time. There are some reasons I won't be on time sometimes, so I expect you to do something useful while I take care of other things. You are considered adults since you became ninja, so behave like that. You can't expect that everything will be told to you. I don't care what you do while you wait for me, as long as it helps with your development as a ninja. But while waiting for physical training to begin, warming up is the most logical choice. Naruto, please refrain from paralysing your team-mates, you can never know what will happen. If there would have been an attack, she wouldn't have been able to defend herself and you and Sasuke would have had to cover her until your poison wore off." Kakashi said sternly.

In his head he cursed the mess the civilian council had left for him to clear up. He would really like to introduce them to his thousand years of death technique, especially Sakura's mother.

"Understood, sensei." Naruto said, accepting Kakashi's reasons even if in the village the probability of an attack was pretty slim. He thought Kakashi was capable of faking an attack just to get his point across.

"Good, now the first thing we will work on is your stamina. Our team has a focus on combat. Therefore you will have to be able to last in a fight. We will start with running fifteen laps around the training ground. I will take your time to see where you stand in your training. Today I will mainly get an impression of your physical abilities before we will work on some formations for missions. Ready, set, go." Kakashi said and the three started.

Soon it was obvious that Naruto was way better trained than the other two, even if Sasuke did a good job for a rookie. Sakura was panting after three rounds already. Naruto finished with two rounds on Sasuke. The proud Uchiha didn't like the lead Naruto had and increased his speed for the last two rounds. Then he sat down next to Naruto waiting for Sakura to finish.

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