Chapter five

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"I love you Charlie Gillespie." Winnie said, making the taller boy pick her up by the waist and spinned her around in his small trailer. Winnie giggled as he stopped and slowly put her down.

"Wow, how lucky I am to be loved by you." Charlie said, holding her face in his hands. Winnie was so happy. She's waited for so long she's always wondered what it would be like to be loved by Charlie.

The two were the happiest they had ever been. Soaking in all the moments. As they were about to share another kiss there was a knock on Charlie's trailer door.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" Owen yelled through the door making the two laugh

"Yes and we were again before you interrupted us." Charlie said, grabbing Winnie's hand and led her out of his trailer and they were greeted by their friends.

"So??" Madi asked

"Well I didn't get the chance to ask her privately but, Winnie will you be my girlfriend?" He said making her smile

"Of course Char." She said as her face was red from having a crowd around her as he asked her. Charlie brought her into his chest to hide her from everyone. Kissing her head, he felt like he was on top of the world. He got his girl by his side and an amazing job and castmates. What more could he want.

"Alright, let's get back to work!" Kenny came over clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. Every dispersed as Kenny walked up to the newly happy couple.

"I'm happy for you two. Beautiful couple! But, Charlie we need to get to working on 'Perfect Harmony'" Kenny said as Charlie nodded.

"Actually Win, that's what I wanted to show you!" He says excitedly grabbing her hand and walking alongside Kenny to an empty space Madison tagged along. They all sat own at a table as Kenny handed them some lyrics.

"What's this?" Winnie asked reading the lyrics to 'Perfect Harmony'

"It's a song Charlie and I were able to write for the show! But of course, he wanted to tie you into it somehow. So in a way, this song is for you." Madi said smiling as Winnie felt Charlie grab her hand under the table giving it a squeeze.

"Let's hear it!" She said as Madi went over to the piano and started to play the beginning. Charlie hung back by Winnie looking at her and her hand in his.

"Step into my world

Bittersweet love story 'bout a girl

Shook me to the core

Voice like an angel

I've never heard before" He sang straight to her, not breaking eye contact with the girl he loved.

"Here in front of me

They're shining so much brighter

Than I have ever seen

Life can be so mean

But when he goes, I know he doesn't leave

The truth is finally breaking through

Two worlds collide when I'm with you

Our voices rise and soar so high

We come to life when we're

In perfect harmony

Whoa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa

Perfect harmony

Whoa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa

Perfect harmony"

"You guys! That was beautiful! Winnie said clapping. She was so proud of Charlie. He always puts his heart and soul into whatever he is doing . Something Winnie had always admired about him.

"Thanks! It was all mainly Charlie though." Madi said, trying to act modest.

"Oh don't give me all the credit you played a big part too Mads" He said as she came back over to join the others at the table.

"Either way, I loved it!" WInnie said, smiling big.

"Good, I'm glad! Charlie was so anxious to show you he didn't want you to not like it and he was just so worried." Madi said as we shared a laugh looking over at a rosy cheek Charlie. Winnie laughed putting a hand on his cheek as he leaned into her touch.

"Alright, that's a wrap for today. I will see you two tomorrow. Good seeing you again Winnie!" Kenny said releasing them. Winnie said he goodbyes and her and Charlie walked to his car.

"Did you have fun today?" He asked, grabbing her hand once they were off. She smiled and brought his hand up to her mouth leaving a soft kiss.

"I did, thanks to you." She said, sighing happily. Once they got home they declared it a movie night and sat on the couch. Charlie grabbing the snacks and Winnie grabbing the blankets. They came back and got comfortable on the couch. Charlie snaking an arm around Winnie's waist. She smiled laying her head on his chest feeling him place a kiss on her head.

Charlie had been waiting for this moment to have her in his arms as his girlfriend. He dreamed of it since he was 12 years old. He has loved Winnie Jones for a decade and now he finally has her. He wanted to be everything for her and more.

'I love you Winnie. Thank you for trusting me." He said holder her as tight as he could

"Thank you for loving me."

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