Chapter six

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Being with Charlie had been everything Winnie had wanted and more. He was there to constantly remind her how much he loved her, how beautiful she was and how important she was. Charlie was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to Winnie. To Charlie, she was the greatest thing to happen to him. The two of them were doing everything together. Joint at the hip one could say. She would go visit him on set every so often. They were constantly having date nights or even staying at night. Life to them was great.

Charlie spent his days and nights filming as much as he could. Winnie found a job at the local coffee job and every break he had he would go see her. Just to see that smile. Her smile to him lit up the world! He was so thankful for her. So tonight he planned a date night, with the help of the cast of course. He wanted everything to be perfect.

"Hey lover, how's filming?" Winnie asked over the phone

"Well hello baby, filming is amazing per usual. How's my favorite lady?" Charlie's voice echoed through the phone putting a smile on her face.

"I'm great, a bit lonely without ya. But great!" She said sincerely, smiling knowing that even if he couldn't see her, he knew what she was doing.

"I'll be home before you know it love. Plus I have something special planned for us tonight." He said with a smirk on his face. Knowing how Winnie is and how much she hates the suspense of surprises.

"Awww, Char. But you aren't going to tell me any more details are you?" She said heading to her closet to pick something out for tonight.

"Nope, sorry babe." He said laughing

"Okay, but you do have to tell me one thing. How am I supposed to dress?" She said searching through her closet. Waiting for Charlie to answer.

"Dress in between casual and fancy." He said as he heard Kenny in the background telling him to come back to set

"Alright, alright. I gotta go lovebug, I'll see you soon! I love you lots!" He said walking back to set

"I love you Charlie, be safe coming home." Winnie said, hanging up the phone and trying to decide what to wear for something where she didn't even know where she was going and what they were going to do. She came across one of her infamous sundresses. Deciding on the yellow one. Charlie had always told her how much he loved her in yellow because it represented her personality.

She even made sure to do her hair like Charlie likes it, curled but not in her face too much. You know he loves romantic moments where he can push her hair out of her face. Something Winnie was a suscker for. Growing up as a hopeless romantic she always had high expectations for when it came to the romantic gestures that the guys she had dated did. As she looks back now, Charlie really was the only one who met her expectations for romantic gestures. He was always bringing her flowers, sweeping her off her feet and treating her like the way she should have been treated.

She also made sure to clean up their apartment that way when Charlie came home he would be able to relax. She knew how hard Charlie worked and he loved his job so he never complained but she knew sometimes it would knock him out. He does a lot, for Winnie, for his show, for him and Winnie to have a good life and a good future. He works so hard sometimes he forgets to take care of himself. Making him extra grateful for Winnie in his life. Always keeping him in check and making sure he has been well taken care of.

After a couple more hours Charlie had made it home to his girl. "Baby, I'm home," He said, putting his shoes and jacket away. Making his way into Winnie's room as she was putting the final touches on her outfit.

"Dang shawty, you look so good," He said, grabbing her hand and helping her do a twirl. She smiled leaning into him when she came back around. Kissing her head he smiled pulling her into a tight hug.

"Do I look okay?" She asked, pulling away from him. Grabbing her face he smiled and kissed her.

"Of course. Every second of any day I don't know how you do it but you always get more beautiful by the day." He said, making her blush and lean his forehead against his.

"You sure know how to make a girl feel special Charlie." They kissed one more time before Charlie reluctantly pulled away so he could go change into something more dressier. Once he was ready they set off to the secret location. On the ride there Charlie held her hand the whole way to try and settle her nerves.

They arrived on the mountain side with an amazing view of the city. Charlie had set up a picnic for them. Not just any picnic, a candlelight picnic. Charlie was only a romantic when it came to his special girl Winne!

"Char, this is beautiful!" She said getting out of the car and taking in the view as she felt Charlie's arm slip around her waist. Holding her close.

The two were in paradise. They had each other and the moonlight and the view. Nothing could get better, or worse. Until Winnie got a phone call

"Oh? It's my mom." She told Charlie before answering her phone.

"WInnie? Honey?" Her mom said with worry in her voice.

"Yeah, mom. I'm here, is everything okay?" She asked confused and now worried.

"Are you with Charlie?" She looked at Charlie before turning her phone to the speaker.

"Yeah mom, we are both here. What happened are you guys and Charlie's parents okay?" She asked, feeling Charlie's hand sliding into her .

"Win, Charlie. Grandma Jones passed away today."

And suddenly her whole world came crashing down

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