Chapter Two

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Kaleb's POV

I never thought I could have two mates, let alone three. The moment I saw him, I wanted to kiss him all over and worship him. He looked like an angel. With his brown hair and glowing sun-kissed skin, after he asked me not to cause his death, I almost crumbled to the floor.

I get in front of him and quickly spout out what he needs to hear to trust me.

"I think you misunderstood; I get what's happening with you and me, but what I don't get is what you think is going to happen." I pause and look deep into his chocolate eyes. His eyelashes are long, and his cute eyebrows once again curl in confusion. "I want you, and I am sure our other mates will want you too."

His eyes widen in shock, and he very suddenly says, "What the hell are you talking about?" This earns the glances of other people, and I laugh nervously.

"Why don't we have a discussion?" I look around. "Maybe somewhere more private?" He backs up and sits there nervously.

"I don't think we need to have a discussion." He looks at the floor, almost like he is about to cry. I take his hand and look at him with loving eyes.

"I will not let you die. Umm, what is your name? How about we start there?" He looks a little apprehensive.

"Oliver, my name is Oliver." He rolls away slowly toward the door and then looks back at me. "Are you coming or what?" I bring a smile to my face.

"Coming! I know the perfect spot. By the way, I am Kaleb." I run up to him, and we go to the back end of the campus. Usually, people hide here to smoke. We go to a bench, and I sit down. He brings himself in front of me.

"So, what do you want?" Oliver gives a clear question that tells me, 'No bullshitting.' From his previous reactions, I can only assume he's been rejected before. It makes sense why he has his guard so high.

"Well, we are mates." I try to be serious, even though it's hard for me to not joke around.

"Maybe it's just a weird joke or something." He pierces his lips and holds his chin inquisitively.

"Like a multifunction or something?" I look at him, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Exactly, it's just like a leaking roof." He slams his fist into his hand as if he's cracked the code. I would agree with him if my tiger wasn't growling at the fact that he wasn't accepting us. I am guessing he is human. His creature would be sensing me as clearly as day.

"What's that tattoo on your wrist, then?" Both my tiger and I give him a cocky glare as he glances at his wrist.

"Hah?!" His jaw drops as he covers it up, acting as if I never saw it. "This is not happening!"

"Oh, it's happening. What's my tattoo for you? I am curious." I reach for his hand.

"No!" He glares at me.

"This has nothing to do with you or anyone else!" He rolls away, and I get up but don't go after him. I know this is going to be a long ride. I should probably talk to Jasper and London about this before making any serious decisions.


I pulled into the driveway. I looked up at our house. All three of us have worked our asses off to get to the status we are at today. Jasper was born into riches, but his parents still made him work for every cent. London had no family and only a few friends. His old town was destroyed by an evil wolf clan. Although a lot has happened, he is a very bright soul.

I walked up to the porch and noticed that we should probably put in a ramp. The yellow lily by the door reminds me of London's gardening addiction and makes me silently laugh. I unlock the door and walk into the entrance. I could smell their sweet scents as soon as I entered. Dandelions and butter for London. And for the wonderous Jasper: wood and rain. I walked into the living room and saw them both lying down on the couch, entangled with each other.

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