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"Adabelle, I won't be home for a week and I expect you to be on your best behavior," my mother hastily scolds me as she's scrambling around for last minute packing.

"Yes, mother." I nod automatically, hearing this speech one time too many.

"You're lucky I trust you enough for you to be by yourself, you're only eighteen," she huffs as she gathers her phone charger and pocket money.

I roll my eyes, "I know and I promise I will not do anything that will disobey you, mother."

"That's my girl, now I'll see you in a week. I love you. Stay studious. There's money on the counter." She quickly kisses my cheek and grabs her suitcase, heading straight out the door without looking back

"I love you too, mom. Have a safe trip!" I wave as she backs out of the drive way in a hurry.


I somehow find myself back on the street of the tattoo parlor from the night before. Harry, the stranger with the tattoos, had a spare t-shirt with the shop's logo along with some loose sweats in the back and was kind enough to give them to me. Before I left, he advised me to stay safe and lent me his umbrella.

I stand off to the side of the window to take a peek inside before going in unannounced.

Although Harry is nowhere in sight I do see a worker at the front desk focused on a Sports Illustrated magazine. I stroll inside to approach the man sitting on the high wooden stool. He doesn't move, leaving me to awkwardly wait until he gives me his proper attention. While I wait I observe his tattoos that peak from underneath his olive cargo jacket. I think his chest tattoo reads, "Is What Is," but I can't fully see it with his Wolverine t-shirt in the way.

"Hello, how can I help you?" His tone is very short and sarcastic, making me feel as if I never should have stepped foot here in the first place.

"I-" I falter from his icy stare.

"I'm just here to return an umbrella," I begin to explain with a heavy sigh. The man just gives me a puzzled look before our exchange is thankfully interrupted.

"Adabelle! What a lovely surprise!" Harry comes out from the back with an older muscular man beside him adorning some sort of plastic wrap around his arm. I immediately step away from the front desk to allow the man to pay without me being in his way.

"What brings you here, doll?" He sends me soft smile as he begins to carefully take off his ink ridden gloves.

"I-I wanted t-to thank you and uh return this umbrella," I motion to the miniature black umbrella hanging from my wrist. I couldn't help, but blush scarlet from the intimidation and stutter on my part.

"That's very kind, Adabelle. I appreciate it," he grins and reaches for the umbrella. His fingers graze my wrist lightly, leaving chills in his wake.

"You're really cold," I mention as our eyes meet when he rolls the wristband off of my hand slowly.

"Really?" He asks surprised. "I was thinking that you thought I was hot?" Harry smirks, pulling off the umbrella in one swipe.

I turn to see if the others in the room were watching, but the muscular man had already left and the worker had his red Beats in as he continued to read his magazine.

"No, temperature wise, you're really cold," I shiver.

"Come on, Ada," he pouted with his pink lips. "I can call you that right?" I nod in assurance. "Temperature wise? Really?" He chuckles with a shake of his head.

"Sorry?" I shrug in question, his teasing seemed as if he were patronizing me.

"Cute," he mumbles low enough for me to hear. "How about this," he reaches behind him to pull his iPhone 6S plus out of his jeans and dangles it in front of me. "We'll exchange numbers and we can discuss how hot," he emphasizes with a wink. "Or cold I am over texts."

I couldn't help, but smile at how flirty he was being. I obliged and pulled my smaller iPhone 5S out of my own pocket to trade numbers.

"Alright, sweetheart. I guess we'll just have to continue arguing via iMessage."


edited 11/16/15

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