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leave me a vote and comment at the end telling me how you honestly like the rewrite!!! I need it for feedback, because honestly idk if I'm salvaging this story.


First laying eyes on her was a gift. She was so damn beautiful, her innocent eyes revealed more than she knew.

I was counting on it all day that she would return. All I could think about was her drenched hair sticking to her pretty clean skin as she gazed out the window.

I had to see her again.

harry 🤖:
Sooooo... I'm hot? xx

My fingers nervously drummed against my desk as I contemplated whether or not those kisses were a good addition.

Ada had put in her own contact name plainly, so I added a few emojis to it.

Adabelle 😻👀:
the emoji you put by your contact is cute... and nooooo?

harry 🤖:
I'm as hot as fire, but as cool as ice. Admit it, darling x.

Adabelle 😻👀:

harry 🤖:
This discussion is going nowhere. We need to properly affirm my hotness in person, how's that sound sweetness? xx

Adabelle 😻👀:
i'm not sure about that...

harry 🤖:
Soooo.... I'll pick you up at yours?

Adabelle 😻👀:
you're really direct 🙃

harry 🤖:
So it's a yes? xx

Adabelle 😻👀:
fine, but if you're catfishing me or something I will call the police

harry 🤖:
All the more exciting :)


I arrive to the small one story home adorned in dark burgundy bricks, slowly parking in front of the curb. The house looked vacant with no cars in the driveway and the lack of lights on in and out of the house.

I knock on the door a couple times and wait patiently with my hands behind my back. After a few moments I reach for the doorbell until the wooden door is opened.

Adabelle answers the door looking as gorgeous as ever in a simple pink sweatshirt and black pants with this cute doe eyes stare.

"Hi darling, you look beautiful," I nod with a bright grin.

"Hello," she mutters while leaning against the door without opening it further.

"May I come in, doll?" I inquire with a raised brow as she remains timid.

"My uh, my mother isn't home and surely she wouldn't like for me to leave home," she mumbles avoiding all eye contact.


"Alright, then let's stay here," I smirk and push my way past her.


edited 11/17/15

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