90- Phone Call

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Hey Grace....

Hi Niall...

Look, I just want to say I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did. I know it was wrong.

You know it was wrong? It damn sure was wrong! We've been in a relationship for almost 2 years and now you decide to cheat?!

I know and I'm sorry! I-

I've been cheated on before and you knew that going in. I was scared of being hurt again, but you promised that you would not hurt me.

Grace, I know what I did was wrong. Trust me. I've gotten an ear full from my family.

You've gotten an ear full? That's it? I just don't know what to say right now....

I know. You probably need more time and I understand. I just wanted to let you know what I am coming back to Maryland/DC in a few days if you wanted to grab a bite to eat. I want to come home.

Niall, I get it. I really do want us to work. I know this happened last month...I just need to think about it....I do want you to come back. I miss your hugs and kisses and cuddles. Just let me think about it.

That's all I ask...
What do you think? Will Grace go to grab that bite with Niall when he comes home? Will they get back together? Keep reading to find out! Thanks for reading!
~Grace :)

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