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Graduation in two weeks and I can't wait to get out of here so I can see Nau'Jour more often. We've been friends for four months and he still ain't tried to be my boyfriend and I'm kind of losing hope

"Hey why you look so down?"

I shook my head putting on a fake smile but sy could see right through me

"Give him a little more time okay?" He said rubbing the top of my head

I gave him more then enough time Nau'Jour just taking to long.

We walked into school and the first thing I saw is Nau'Jour up on a hoodrat making me shake my head

I see symere about to walk over there but I just grabbed him and walked to first hour

Four fucking months to waste on a stupid ass crush

"Maybe y'all jumping to conclusions" Jhené said

"Stop talking about it" I mouthed putting my head on my desk

I feel my phone vibrate and I didn't even reach for it because if it Nau'Jour ima go off. Which I have ever reason too why his pussy ass leading me on? Laying in my bed telling me he wants to fix me

Tired of lying ass niggas I knew his ass was gone be the same

My phone vibrated twice making me lowly groan he know what the fuck he did and I don't want to talk to his ass


I picked up my bag trying to walk out the class until I got snatched up making me roll my eyes

"What's up with you?"

"Nah what's up with you?" I mouth crossing my arms

"Tyquian the fuck are you talking about? I didn't even do shit"

I roll my eyes trying to walk away but he pulled me back

"Stop tryna walk away from me"

His face expression got madder by the second but he has no reason to be fucking mad I do!

"I don't want to talk to you Toosii"

He raised his eyebrows before pulling me by my wrist to a quieter spot

"Why is you mad at me? And why is you calling me Toosii? You never call me that"

"I have to get to class bro"

He closed his eyes and ran his hand down his face

"Okay Tyquian go ahead"

I crossed my arms walking to my next class. he really act like he don't know what he did, well he better figure it out


I pouted seeing dry tears on my face from me crying before my nap, I hate crying makes me feel weak I'm tired of feeling weak

I washed my face off looking at myself then started crying again

"This shit is bullshit!" I spat to myself

I hold my head thinking if I should do what I want to do or if I should wait it out and deal with my sadness

First option it is

I grabbed the blade out my cabinet going to sit on the toilet. I gently put the blade up to my thigh sliding it across my skin

The release feeling overpowers the pain because I been doing it for so long. It got addicting

After cutting my thigh and arms I stopped myself before I got toooo carried away. I wiped up the mess I left on the toilet and got back in my bed and started to overthink again

Nau'Jour 🤍

"He mad at me for something I can't even get him to talk to me" I mumbled

"What did you do today? Anything that could of mad him mad?"

I thought long and hard about it and I still don't know I try to be on my best behavior all the time.

"Von I couldn't have did nothing that-"

Then I thought about it if he was mad at me this morning it must of been me talking to Malissa

"His overthinking ass" I mumbled leaning back in the chair

"Seems like you figured it out" von laughed

I wasn't talking to her like hollering at her shit if anything she was tryna holler at me and I had to shut the shit down

I pulled out my phone and text him

I figured it out. I wasn't talking to her like that I swear :

Tyquian 👅 : ain't what it look like

Tyquian come on stop acting like that I'm telling you it wasn't want to go ask her ass? :

Tyquian 👅 : I'll beat that bitch up I don't want to talk to her stank ass 😒

Why you acting like you can't trust me? I'm not doing nothing with that girl I promise :

Tyquian 👅 : k.

I ran my hand down my face he's pissing me off and we ain't even in a relationship yet but this just tells me when we do he get jealous and jumps to conclusions fast.

"I'm finna go see his ass cause Ian got time to argue through text" I said stretching

"Don't do none stupid toot that boy really like you" Rico says lighting another blunt

"I know, that's why I have to go talk to him before he think ion care bout his ass no more"


"Symere I see yo ass through the window!" I spat

Don't nobody want to open this damn door for me. damn how the whole house hold mad at me?

"Tyquian said not to let you in"

"Tyquian is mad for nothing! Just Lemme talk to him pleaseeeee" I begged

"Open that door for toot! I told y'all, y'all was jumping to conclusions"

Then the door open and Jhené was standing there high as hell

"Toosii my man!" She dapped me up

"What is you smoking jhene you out of space!" I laughed

"I be cooling you feel me?"

I just laugh shaking my head going straight to Tyquian room and as expected he's sleeping.

Like always

𝕸𝖚𝖙𝖊 ~ 𝕿𝖔𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖎 𝖝 𝕼𝖚𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔Where stories live. Discover now