You Realize the Whole Purpose of an Entrance Exam Is To Enter, Right?

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Shota gripped the mug of coffee with both hands, relishing in its warmth and breathing in the fumes of the steaming black coffee. One upside of being principal? Access to Nezu's private kitchen, equipped with the best tea bags and coffee grounds known to man. The black-haired man wasn't so bold as to use any of Nezu's antique china, but raiding his cupboards felt like a big enough power move to satisfy him. Sure, Nezu would kick him out of his office next Monday, but he'll be damned if he doesn't take the drinks with him. He'll enjoy it while it lasts.

And it seems as if Midoriya had the same idea. From where he was currently seated behind Nezu's desk, he could see the child scribbling down all the brand names he saw to reference at a later date. Shota will have to ask him for a copy of that list later on...

"Umm... Shota?" He turned around to face the speaker, and was met with the sight of Nemuri, wrapping the end of her whip around her fingers before unraveling them and repeating the process. "I'm really digging the whole blooming romance you got going on between you and your caffeine addiction-" He scowled, "but in case you haven't noticed, I still don't know why I'm in here." No, he was absolutely aware of that, this was simply another power move. And maybe, just maybe, if this was him taking his petty grievances against Nezu out on his coworkers, well then... nobody had to know. Nonetheless, Shota straightened in his seat and reluctantly placed down his mug, diving into the conversation

"It's about the first new course of action," He stated simply, "I've decided to finally change the design of UA's entrance exam. That way, applicants with mental quirks or just less flashy quirks, in general, have an equal chance at passing as the others do."

"Or the quirkless..." Midoriya muttered to himself, still jotting everything down, and Shota froze as he was the only one who heard the little comment. Quirkless kids? In this day and age? It was unlikely, but not entirely impossible. Most of the quirkless population was made up of senior citizens, the ones born before the rising of quirks, so most people brushed them aside. It was cruel, in Shota's opinion, but that's beside the point.

Quirkless kids had essentially the same chance of becoming heroes as quirked children did, if not a little disadvantaged. It was fine, though, nothing that couldn't be solved with intense training and some support items. That's how it was for Shota, after all, he basically fought quirkless against his opponents. The only thing his erasure quirk did was level the playing field, mutant quirks excluded, So yeah, he agreed, this entrance exam leveled the playing field for all types of quirks, and those born without them.

"Oh," Nemuri breathed out, a little shocked at how fast he was moving forward with this project, "Okay, then. But why are you only telling me this, why not tell the whole staff? You're going to need their assistance and majority vote if you want the school board to even consider whatever your plan is..." Shota smirked and snapped his fingers to point to his right, where Midoriya was currently perching on the kitchen countertop. Nemuri flinched, did she seriously not notice him sitting there this whole time? Midoriya lifted his head out of his notebook for the first time in ages and delved into a detailed explanation.

"You're one of the only teachers besides Aizawa-sensei that could properly advocate for this change. Your quirk, Somnambulist, enables you to release a purple substance that has effects similar to that of sleeping gas, except without the toxic chemical properties. It causes anyone who inhales it to pass out for a specific period of time, working better on males than it does on females for unknown reasons. And, of course, absolutely useless on robots.

"You, much like Aizawa-sensei, require a human target to properly use your quirk. This is why had you taken the initial entrance exam, you would have failed. The only reason Aizawa-sensei was admitted into the hero course was that he came in first place during the sports festival of his first year. And according to school records, he was the only general education student able to do so in the history of UA. Meaning that unless you tore apart the robots with your bare hands or got a ridiculously high amount of rescue points like me, you got in through recommendation.

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