Okay, So Like, You Know How Everyone Hates Us? Well-

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Izuku stared at his notebook, the one he was still writing in, by the way. Aizawa-sensei wanted him to write down all the problems he could find with UA, and unfortunately, or maybe fortunately now, there was quite a lot. It's going to be a bit of a challenge to accomplish these before next Monday but... if they worked hard, he's sure they could do it.

His teacher plopping down into Nezu's- or is it his now?- lush leather chair and propping his feet up on the desk snapped Izuku out of his inspirational thought process. The gruff man took one look at the boy's notebook and sighed, but something about the way he did it made him sound almost fond. But that couldn't be right, right? Why would his teacher ever be happy about more work? And yesterday Izuku swore he'd heard the man snort at something he had said, but his teacher never laughs, either!

It's only been a day and Aizawa-sensei is already acting much differently than usual. Although to be fair, Izuku could be considered to be the exact same. He growled at Kaachan, even glared at him today even though it was purely for scientific purposes, and he called out a teacher for his stupidity. Overall, he doesn't know how he's alive right now. Or dead. But it was a welcome enough change. What's wrong with a little more confidence? He was going to need it if he wanted to be the new symbol of peace.

...Yeah, it was to be the symbol of peace.

"When I said not to hold back on UA's list of issues, I didn't think you'd go that far." Aizawa-sensei said, emphasizing his words, "How many's on there? 20? 30?"

"38." His teacher let out a long whistle and Izuku immediately backtracked, flushing in embarrassment and waving his arms around. "I mean of course they're all, like, really minor! Just stuff I've noticed during my time here, but then again that isn't a lot. Only one and a half years, I'm not even a third year yet. These probably won't change much around here, anyway. Sorry about that, I think I got a little too caught up in the smaller things for the 'greater good'. I should have known it was just an expression and not meant to be taken seriously-"

"Midoriya," His teacher cut in sternly, and Izuku halted in the middle of his rambling, "No problem is too small when it comes to UA, everything here matters. And knowing you, it'll probably change a lot." Izuku didn't entirely know what his teacher made by that, but it didn't sound like an insult, so he stayed silent. "It's better we handle it now then watch it snowball and blow up in our faces later." Although Izuku was still a little unsure, he nodded. If his teacher chose to acknowledge everything he wrote down then that must mean it had some value to it, right? He hoped so.

"So," Izuku started quietly, still confused as to how he was supposed to react to the... encouragement? Praise? He didn't know what it was but it certainly couldn't be that, his teacher rarely ever bluntly praises people. "Sports Festival for general education or connections?"

"Both. If I have to meet with Power Loader I'd rather we get it all done at once instead of dragging it out to two meetings. Plus, there's another problem you didn't write down yet about the sports festival that I plan on having another vote for." Wow, three changes at once, and he thought yesterday was a lot. He's not complaining, though, more changes equal more plans, and by god does he like making plans. Especially since it appears that Aizawa-sensei gave him permission to do more slight emotional manipulation.

Although, when his teacher said those exact words he started holding back laughter again. And Izuku doesn't know if he should be worried about why he's laughing at the term or the fact that he's laughing in general.

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