That One Melanie Martinez Song? Yeah.

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"Strongest advantage "

That's what his teacher had called his hero analysis notebooks. The notebooks that he had worked on for over ten years- that he had been ridiculed, burned and attacked for- being called his strongest advantage as a hero. It didn't make any sense to Izuku. His classmates said the notebooks were stalker-ish and creepy. His teachers said it was some sort of coping mechanism that he started as a way to ignore reality. And even his mother, no matter how much he loved her, got this horribly sad look in her eye whenever she used to see him writing in it. It felt like a knife twisting in his gut, knowing that people hated his notebooks, but he's long since accepted it. He's come to terms with the fact that nobody beside himself understood the value that each page held, and they never would.

So why did Aizawa-sensei?

Not only had he praised him for it, he even gave suggestions on how to develop it. And the suggestions were thought-out, too, not like the ones Kaachan used to make about feeding it to the dogs because 'at least then it'll be useful.' Izuku hates to say it, but for a split second, he almost listened to the blond-haired boy. All he wanted was for his analysis to help him be a hero, to help save others. If he had fed it to the dogs then, well, it'd have some worth. And back then, he'd take what he could get about having worth.

But Aizawa-sensei said it already did. And, in turn, that he already did.

All in all, it was a very jarring experience. It felt like getting cold water dumped on his head after 10 years of agony in a scalding hot ocean of his tears. Talk about poetic. It was so... different than what he was used to. He thought his gaining of one for all would be the missing piece he needed that made him a hero, or just the trust of the number one hero himself. So to hear that the piece he needed was tightly clutched in his hand all along...

"Holy shit."

Izuku heard a loud snort behind him and whipped around in his seat, coming face to face with a snickering Kaminari. Oh lord, did he say that out loud? It was at that moment he realized he was completely surrounded by over half the class, all of them staring at him with varying expressions. The Bakusquad and Emo squad were looking at him with mirth in their eyes and barely concealed laughter, Izuku's closest friends were all shell shocked as their jaws hung wide open- well, as shocked as Todoroki could look- and Kaachan just looked very, very pale. Strange.

"S-sorry, were you guys saying something?" He asked innocently, desperately trying to fight that growing blush on his neck that came from the embarrassment of not paying attention to his surroundings as well as openly cursing. It couldn't have been too bad, though, right?

"Uh... yeah." Uraraka choked out, still at a loss for words. "M-Mina sent us the video she took yesterday during lunch and we were wondering why you and Aizawa sensei were throwing tables around..."

Agh, crap again. It's not like he can tell them the truth; if he and Aizawa-sensei wanted this whole merging departments plan to work long term, nobody else could find out about it. Especially not the students themselves. He could always come up with an excuse, but let's be honest, his lying skills will land him in an even worse situation. Wincing, he replied with the only answer he could.

"Ahaha, about that, it's sorta kinda maybe... classified?" Jirou raised a brow.

"Is that a question or an answer?"

"A very subtle threat."

Izuku didn't know when he started subtly threatening people, but it was probably around the time this secretary thing started. Listening to Aizawa-sensei's constant snarky remarks against Vlad-sensei was getting to him. Sometimes he wondered whether snapping at the blood hero was just a natural reflex for the man or if he stayed up the night before writing all of his insult ideas down. And honestly, he wouldn't be surprised either way.

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