Chapter 15- The Tales of Soul

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Katara, Aang, Sokka, and I all stood at the mirror getting ready for the day.

Aang shaving his hair. Sokka shaving his "mustache" Katara fixing her hair. And me cleaning out my piercings.

I felt a finger poke my ear.

"Would you stop that kid." I yelled at Sokka.

"Why do you have so many piercings?" Sokka says observing my ears.

"I'm pretty sure you asked me that before."

"I was hallucinating on cactus juice, I don't remember. Just answer the question woman."

I roll my eyes. "Cause they're cute." I reply.

"Yeah, they look good on you."

"Really?" I blush.

"Yeah. Uh, I've been meaning to ask you something," Sokka says rubbing the back of his neck.

"What is it?" I perk.

"Do you wanna maybe..uh..wanna hang out today?"

"Sure, I'd love to." I reply cheerfully.

"Wait, really?"

"Sure, why not." I said walking out the bathroom door and heading to Toph's room to wake her up but I guess Katara beat me to it.

I sniff the room. "Ew, what is that horrible stench."

"It's Toph," Katara replies.

"Ew. You really need a spa."

"That's what I said. And I somehow convinced her to go on a girls day. Wanna come with?"

"Actually, Sokka and I are hanging out today."

"Really like a date!" Katara shrieks.

"No, just hanging out." I quickly reply.

"I can tell you're lying." Toph laughs.

"Shut up, Toph, no one asked you. He just said hang out." I sigh.

"You like him don't you?" Katara teases.

"Ppft, what no. I'd never like a weird but cutely funny handsome guy like Sokka."

Katara and Toph laughed.

"Okay, maybe I do." I confess.

"You got some weird taste Soul, first Zuko and now Sokka."

"Zuko! Girl I never liked him. I just found him very attractive."

"Whatever," Katara playfully rolled her eyes. "But Sokka's crazy about you."

"He is?" I pout my bottom lip.

"Yeah, he never stops talking about you," Toph laughs. "His heart rate beats extra fast when you're around him."

I smile. "Anyways, get out of here, Toph smells like a dead skunk rat." I say exiting out the room.

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

Sokka and I were taking a stroll around the city when Sokka poked his head through a window.

"Ahh, poetry." He sighs.

I looked inside the room and noticed a bunch of girls. Is he serious right now? We're literally in a middle of a "date" and he's over here fawning over poetry?!

At that point, I begin to get jealous, so I kicked Sokka's behind, causing him to fall inside the haiku class.

I storm off as I hear the girls gasp.

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