"My First True Love"

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"My First true love"

When we first were truly acquainted,
I nearly fainted.
You were everything I was looking for,
and even more.

A couple of months later you asked me out,
I gratefully accepted without a doubt.
Now you mean the world to me,
I know we are meant to be.

I think about your day and night,
Never wanting you to leave my sight.
The first time we kissed...
Oh what wonderful bliss!

I love you more than I can ever express,
Your my first love that I confess.
I will always remember the way we held hands,
The way you never gave me any demands.

Your an angel that God sent to me,
If only we could forever be.
I don't ever want our relationship to be through.
Hopefully we never have to say a final "I love you"



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