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When I woke up again, I was feeling much better than before. It was after noon. I freshen up and went down feeling hungry.

Manvi was watching a movie when I entered the living room.

"Hey, Sleepyhead! How are you feeling?" Early in the morning, she came in my room with breakfast, but i just whisked her away telling her the situation.

"I am better. Hungry." I said sheepishly and made my way to the kitchen.

Manvi followed me.

"I figured that much, any special wish, princess." She gestured to the food and I shake my head. Something about her line was very keen to what Aaron would say.

"Where is Aaron?" I asked.

"Can't live a second without seeing him, huh." Manvi nudged me with a playful smile and I just rolled my eyes in answer. My face suddenly felt hot.

"They are having some guy time. So, we will have some girl time, babe." Manvi cheered to herself and took out various things from fridge, snacks, drinks, chocolates,while I worked on my plate.

We both came out to the living room and settled on the couch. We filled the tea-table from what we bought with us.

"So, what are we watching?" I asked sitting cross legged on the sofa with food in my lap.

"You will see."


The sun dipped in the horizon. The guys came back in middle of our girls time, we were watching hollywood tv series back to back and we were hooked.

"Teen wolf, Really."Arav mused entering the room.

"It's my favorite. " Manvi said with a stare, defending the series. Though I am in the support, it's really good.

"I am saying it, in a good way, babe." Arav came to hug her but Manvi smacked his hand lightly and added."First go shower. "

Aaron and Arnav both snickered at him.

And then I noticed Arnav. After the incident with Kate I hadn't seen him much. His gaze travelled to me and he straightened dropping his smile.

So, I guess the problem is still me.

"I ain't getting any hug today." Arav scowled but still went towards his room.

"How are you feeling?" Aaron asked bending on the couch just a breath away from me. He is wearing light grey shirt and blue shorts. He is drenched in sweat and still managed to look handsome. Arnav held a basket in hands, he is also in T-shirt and shorts. By the looks of it, I guess they were playing Basketball.

"Better." because now you are here. I whispered.

"Good." He placed a chaste kiss on my forehead and made his way towards the stairs.

Manvi quietly squealed beside me and Arnav gave an uncertain stare before he left.

"Looks like someone is falling for someone. " She sang in a singsong voice. I just gave her a the look.

After that we continue to finish the episode and Arav and Aaron joined us. Soon dinner time roll around and we decided to save the series for later.
Arnav was on the dinner table too, which was kind of making the family look complete.

"Bhai, so you decided where to go for the trip?" Arav asked. Everyone paused at his question. Aaron didn't answered him, his expression giving nothing.

"Please don't tell me you thought we will not do that this time." Arav sighed. I have the urge to ask do what, but I didn't.

"It's hardly the right time to go camping, Arav. " Aaron replied, but he looked conflicted about the camping trip. Manvi and Arnav don't appeared to be as confused as me, they did know what's going on.

"It's the right time, bhai and we do this every year so why not, now. " and after a little pause he added, " I bet bhabhi will love it."

Every eye turned towards me and I suppressed the urge to hide. So, it was
all on me, they are not doing their thing because of me.

"Uh, I don't know. I never did that type of thing before. " I answered sheepishly just to get the attention off me.

"Then, it's decided, we will go camping, it will be a thrilling experience. " Arav announced and I looked at Aaron unsure. He just held my hand under the table before giving me a small smile.

"Arnav are you in? " Aaron asked despite of Arav's remarkable announcement. Arnav looked at him at then at me, coldly, before giving a short nod.

"You have three days time, to make the arrangements then," Aaron said looking at his brothers and they nodded in response.

"So, it means we have three days to finish the series, right?"


The stars shine bright in the moonlight. A ray of moonlight was falling on the bed through the window.

Aaron was working on his laptop, on the couch and it was the only glow in in the dark room showing his face, deep in concentration yet handsome. It was a little late after midnight but I can't fall asleep.

I had just one thought roaming in my mind at this point and it was to ask Aaron to join me in bed but I couldn't. How can I? I turned in bed feeling restless and frustrated. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep hundredth time this night and miserably failing.

How can somebody grow on you so much in so little time?

"Can't fall asleep?" I shivered from the raspiness of voice. He sounded so close, just behind me. I opened my eyes and turned to came face to face.
I shook my head and he just smiled.

"I am just finished." He placed a kiss on my forehead before going back to his half closed laptop and closing it. After putting it on the shelf he went in the bathroom.

I was still not sure about all the camping trip but I just don't want to be the reason of them not going. I never did camping. I had travelled a little but that was different. If I tried I could be excited about this.

I lifted my phone and unlocked it, to see the time. But all my excitement and thought vanished at what I seen, and replaced with a cold numb feeling.

It was a message from my mom.

Hello fellas,

Happy new year 2021😍

So, it's finally here, we are waiting for so long. I hope this year will bring us all health and happiness.

Hope you will like this chapter.



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