Look to the Dreamers

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It is funny how quickly priorities change.

We are caught up in lives of pettiness, provided by the luxury that our those before us created. They wanted strong, healthy, and happy descendants. They created a world that glossed over the dark history we once had.

It protected us. But only for a little while. It made us prioritize things that meant nothing to our moral and physical survival. And then, when they were gone, memories of a bygone era that we saw with rose coloured lenses, the battle we weren't prepared for returns.

History doesn't come up with anything new. We have evolved, we change, and we process things in fresh ways. But so long as we are willing to only believe in the history they teach us, the history of those in power, and fear to look in the dark recesses of who we are or where we come from, history will return.

I do have hope.

We have made strides and we have warriors fighting the battle that we would not have had, if we were completely unchanged. Look to the dreamers. To the small ones, to those who stand on their own and do the right thing.

Look to the unlikely. For those that fit into molds, will only fit into the battles that have come before. They will only provide the answers we've already heard.

Value every one.

And above all, do not become the enemy we fear. It is not so far of a fall to get there.

We are more than that.

We have to be.

I, for one, am tired of history returning. I want a future that has not been imagined by the small minds that restrict us.

I want a future that our children will create in their dreams, knowing of all the strengths and flaws of their predecessors. A future that doesn't hide or gloss over or erase the uncomfortable bits that happened before.

Look to the dreamers. To the Truth Seekers.

To the ones we've ignored and those who will not back down.

For they are the ones who will save us.

From the darkness.

From the monsters.

From ourselves.

- Nerini O'Vara

Date unknown: Written before the battle of the pass. After the Funeral Pyres of Lansend. During the reigns of Queen Rael of Aupana and King Caelur of Sellexu, in the first decade of the Truce of Alliance.

The End

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