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Lacey Paxton

As you follow Ellerie down the halls of Specter's offices a thudding on the glass window of one of the interrogation rooms stops you in your tracks.. You peer into the room to see Sanjake staring back at you..

You can't hear him through the sound proof glass, but his eyes are desperately fearful and he waves as though he has something urgent to tell you..

You turn away, calling out to Ellerie up ahead.. "Hey, Ellerie.. Wait!"

She spins around, surprised to see you following her.. "Lacey.. Hey.. Listen I'm sorry about my outburst just now.. I just.. thought Iris and I were closer than that is all.." She paces back towards you slowly..

"You're entitled to you're feelings, Ellerie.. You don't need to apologise to me.. I tend to agree that Iris should have told you guys about what was going on with her.. But.. What she's going through.. Its scary, Ellie.. And I don't think that being scared is something Iris is accustomed to.. Maybe you could cut her some slack.."

Ellerie blinks in thought, she is a lot like your brother.. Good at heart, but a little inconsiderate at times perhaps.. "Yeah.. Yeah.. You're right.. Shit.. So what should I do, Lace.. How do I help her?.. I've never.. I've never been good at this kind of thing.."

You smile, knowing everyone is going to process the news about Iris differently.. While Ace's reaction had been one of quiet contemplation, and Hunters has so obviously been one of guilt.. Ellerie's had been angry..

No way is right.. No way is wrong.. Just.. Different..

"Just be there for her.. She needs to know we're all here to help support her through her treatment and recovery.. And maybe take it easy on the guilt trips for a while?.. I really do think she feels bad enough.."

Ellerie nods, looking a little unsure of how to do even that.. "I also have some helpful literature for dealing with the difficulties of illness in loved ones.. It really helped me when my mom was sick.. I can email you some links.."

She smiles in gratitude and relief.. "Thank you, Lacey.. That's really kind of you.. And.. You did the right thing.. Telling us all off back there.. We were being assholes.."

You giggle and shake your head.. "You're not an asshole, Ellerie.."

She laughs.. "Babe.. I so am.."

Sanjake pounds on the glass to get your attention again and you can't help but jump.. Ellerie however, completely ignores him like he isn't even there.. "So.. Is Greyson taking you home?.."

You nod.. "Yeah, I think when he's finished here, Axe wanted to talk to him.. Um.. Hey, Ellie.. Do you think I could speak with Sanjake for a minute?.."

She arches a brow, surprised by your request. . "You really want to?"

You nod.. "I need to.." You look back to his desperate, burned face.. "And do you have a first aid kit I could use?.."

She nods, stepping into the viewing room beside the interrogation-room housing Sanjake and returning with a little red plastic box with a white cross plastered on top.. "I'll have to secure him.. Wait here.."

She unlocks the door, punching in several digits on the keypad before she enters. You watch Sanjake comply with her in silence as she cuffs his hands to the metal bar on the table..

Soon, Ellerie strides back out to the hall.. "Ill be right out here if you need, just hollar.."

You smile gratefully.. "Thanks."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang