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Lacey Paxton

When Ellerie arrives she looks an absolute fright, her hair is windswept and wild, her eyes wide and wary and her hands are covered in blood.. She doesn't even seem to notice you standing there shocked by the sight of her as Ace leads her to sit on the sofa, so you return to the kitchen to put the kettle on for tea..
Because that seems like the appropriate thing to do for some reason..

You can hear the soft tones of Ace's gentle voice as he tries to console a very pissed off Ellerie float through the kitchen doorway.. "I fucked up.. I fucked up so bad, Ace.. He's probably going to demote me, or fucking fire me now.. But.. I swear I didn't do it on purpose, Ace.. You have to believe me.. I don't like the guy but I didn't want this.."

"Ellerie, calm down.. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, woman?!.. What did you do?.. I can't help ya fix it if you don't give me the facts, huh?.."

You make your way back to join them, setting a sweetened steaming teacup in front of Ellerie with a sympathetic smile.. "Thanks, Lace.." She sniffs..

You offer her a damp towel to clean herself up with.. "Here.. For the blood.. Are you hurt, Ellie?"

She looks down at her hands, as if noticing for the first time they are stained red.. "Shit.. No, It's not mine.. Oh fuck.. This is why Iris didn't leave me in command.. Fuck fuck fuck.." She begins to wipe her hands..

"It's alright.. Just take a few deep breaths.. And then start from the beginning, El.." You use the same soft voice that Hadley uses on you when you are in the middle of freaking out, and it seems to work..

Ace smiles at you with greatful warmth, as you sit in the armchair beside her..

Ellerie takes a few deep breaths through her nose.. "After you spoke to Dr Sarif the other day, Lacey.. I don't know.. I must have forgotten to lock the interrogation room door because he escaped.. I knew I should have said something.. But I'd been tracking him and.. I thought I had it under control.. But.." She rubs at her temples, confused.. "He must have been stalking Redlend because he attacked him.. Shot him in the arm.. He's at SPC now and he is so fucking pissed.."

Your brain screams bullshit.. "Sanjake-- shot Redlend?.. Did you see it happen?.."

Ellerie shakes her head.. So you don't believe it.. Not for a second.. Whatever story Redlend has fed her is complete fiction.. She didn't forget to lock the interrogation room door at all.. In fact, you distinctly remember watching her key the code into the pad before hugging her goodbye.. "No, I found him bleeding out in his office, Redlend must've fought him off and I managed to get him to the medical centre, he's stable.. But.. Sarif's in the wind now.. I fucking lost him.. It doesn't make any sense?.. I'd understand him going after you or Lacey, Ace.. Or maybe even Axe.. But Redlend?.. He doesn't even know the guy, I just don't get it.."

She throws the towel down angrily, combing her shaky fingers through her ruby mane..

"Ah.. Fuck.." Ace grumbles as the last words Sanjake had said to you ring in your ears and you have a sinking feeling that he is not lost in the wind at all.. But is instead buried beneath the ground.
'I'm already dead, Lacey..' Sanjake had said..

He had done some terrible things.. But he didn't deserve this, he was a good man who had made the wrong decision in times of desperation.. And he had risked his life to return to the city to warn you of the danger you were in.. Then again to share what he knew of Redlend.. It seems that his prediction has finally caught up with him.. And you feel strangely sad..

Ace looks at you doubtfully and you can tell he is thinking the exact same thing that you are.. But you say it anyway.. "Redlend set her up.." You state the obvious..

Ace nods with a rueful wince... "Ellerie.. We gotta tell you something.. N' you're probably gunna be pissed.."


After a few hours spent sharing the details of the evil triad that is Redlend, Rafferty and Kingsley with Ellerie, she leaves on a warpath to find your brother..

You don't blame her for being annoyed at him for his secrecy, and honestly, her rage gives you a new perspective on how you must have made Hunter feel, every time you lied to him or left him feeling hopeless in the dark.. And you are determined to make that a thing of the past once you make it through this..

IF you make it through, that is..

"So.. You were right.. Ellerie's clean.." Ace concedes, leaning back on the sofa..

You nod in satisfaction.. "I'm glad you can see that.. She needed to know.. So she can protect herself.."

He clicks his tongue thoughtfully.. "She will definitely tell Ford.. She tells him everything.."

You scoff.. Ford is by far the most disciplined Specter agent.. And his views of right and wrong always strongly centred around his martial arts practices.. You sincerely doubt his disloyalty.. "So?.. That man is practically made of morals.. Do you really think he's a risk?.."

Ace shakes his head with a smile.. "No.. I think we're good.."

You shift nervously on the sofa beside him.. Wanting to return to the evening you had been having before Ellerie appeared, but unsure how to make that happen.. "So.. Um.."

He grins teasingly, mimicking your hesitation playfully as he slides closer to you, your knees bumping together.. "Um?"

You can't contain your giggles.. "Do you still want those pancakes?"

His blue-sky eyes light up and he leaps to his feet to gather you up into his dependable arms.. "After.."

He carries you effortlessly through to the bedroom, his hungry gaze trained on yours, making you feel, bold and sexy and all the things you had ever wished you were.. Through his eyes that's exactly what you are.. Imperfectly perfect..

"After what?.." You ask, your own voice a husky, needy purr as he sets you gently on the bed, working his magic hands over your curves, bringing your blood to a rapid simmer in seconds and makes you forget all about the world spinning outside..

He grins, a sinfully sexy sight.. "Round two.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now