Are you alright, Y/n?

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When you're hurt/ harrased

Neil Perry 🎭
-- a collegue
-- he broke his nose
-- "Since you came to the academy, you had many problems with some insistent boys. Many wanted to be with you, but declined them and they understood. You didn't want to date for the moment. But there were some who couldn't take 'No' as an answer. A certain guy saw the way you were looking at Niel and he became jealous. You had your last course with Mr Keating and he needed some help and stayed some more time. After leaving the class you got near the dorms. Being weekend already, most of them left Welton to go and do what they want in town.
That's when, from the opposite side of the corridor, B/n showed himself. He was trying to hide his anger, but you had a bad feeling already from what can happen. You continued your way to your door while he was coming to you. At the half of the corridor, it happened.
???: So you wouldn't date me, but make sweet eyes to another guy, huh?!
He slapped you that hard that a small sliver of blood fell from your nose.
???: Get up! Get up!
You weren't doing that.
Y/n: B/n, don't do something that you may regret later!
He pulled your hair near him, his anger becoming higher.
???: You snake!
He then threw you again on the ground, turned you with your eyes looking at his and started slapping your face. You tried to stop him, but it was useless. He continued until your face was covered in blood and everything became black.
In those moments Neil heard the noice and got out of his room. He saw what happened and rushed to your attacker to stop him. He succeded protecting himself. After seeing it was you who were the victim, he punched that guy's nose as hard as he could that he broke it. Mr Keating caught them while fighting and separated them. Mr Nolan showed, too and called an ambulance and the police. "
-- the guy was expelled
-- you stayed for some time in the hospital, Todd helping you with your courses as a favor for Neil who, unfortunately, was punished not to leave the academy for a month

Todd Anderson 📖
-- violence
-- boyfriend
--" Todd noticed when he was seeing you and your boyfriend in public he had a different face. He wouldn't let you go and not from love, but like he wanted to control you. In the last weeks you stopped calling and it was another reason for him to find you. One day, however, after visiting a relative, he heard strange sounds at an appartment door. Some man screaming.
?: Stop! Stop it! It hurts!
The man: Shut up! You were making sweet eyes to him, wasn't you?!
That voice. It was Y/n voice on the other side. He checked the door, then with all the stranght he had broke it, surprinsingly. Your boyfriend left you in your corner after seeing Todd.
He started throwing punches at him, some being taken because of the lack of time to react. While he was trying to protect himself you took the nearest object you could find and hit B/n in his head. He was on the floor, but not dead. You fell on your knees, covered your eyes and continue to cry. You wanted to hit B/n, but Todd stopped you and hugged you.
Todd: Y/n! Y/n, calm down! It's over.
Your face was hidden in his neck while he tried to help you calm down."
-- the neighbours called the police
-- you were thankfull to your friend for help

Knox Overstreet 🌹
-- your cousin's friends
-- run
--" Spending more time with Chet and and his friends started being bad. Two of them were trying to catch your attention and constantly tried to seduce you, but things exagerated one night. Chet had a small party with his friends and they all drank. You talked to Knox some hours ago to hang out. You were dressed up and had just to take your shoes, coat and hat and leave.
While going down the stairs, you noticed the guys staying far away from each other and laughing uncontrolably. The powerful smell of alchool warned you in time. You had a very bad feeling about it. You slowly got to the entrance and took what you need in your hands. After getting out you put your shoes on and hat. The front door opened, scaring you the most. Chet's friends who were drunk examined you.
Idiot1: Oooo, Y/-n! *hic* You're sooo beautifulll!
Y/n: Thanks...
You were ready to leave when the other took you by your arm.
Y/n: B/n, let go of my hand.
Idiot2: But I waaant you to*hic* stayyyy!
He hardly let you go and you start running through the neighbourhood, with two drunk and furious guys behind you. It was even harder to run in heels, even if they were small, in cold air, and took them off. You were becoming tired, but luckly, after going round the corner found Knox near a store.
Y/n: Knox!
He noticed something in your voice wasn't ok, so he turned to you and saw you running.
Y/n: Knox, help me!
Knox: What happened-
Idiot2: Come back here you *****!
You hid behind him while those two were coming in your direction. After they approached Knox, he told you to go into the store.
Idiot1: So *hic* what are you *hic* gonna dooo?
Knox: Teach you a lesson!
They were laughing uncontrolably now, still dizzy from alcohol. In the end they turned to him.
Idiot2: We can beat you *hic* down esalilyyy!
? : What do you say about two?
? : Three!
Not from far away, Charlie and Pitts came and after seeing the last one, those two abandoned the fight and left. Pitts and his trials to thicker his voice plus the heigt can be intimidating sometimes.
Knox: Thank you, guys!
Pitts: You're welcome!
Charlie: Now go to your girlfriend. "
-- you two got to a cafe and thanked him
-- it was feeling different after the incident

Charlie Dalton 🎷
-- flirts
-- rejections and touching
--" You had the most horrible day. Everywhere you went, a strange guy had to flirt with you. You were wearing your favorite dress and walking around town with some things to do. The first one just threw a mean comment after rejecting him. The second one was driving, then got out of the car and tried to block your way. You tried to walk away and that's when he slapped your ass like he was furious.
???: Chill, chill, I was just playing.
Anyway, you met the third one in front of a pharmacy and rejected him from the start. While going to Welton, though, you were stopped on the street by the same young man who was wearing a policeman uniform. He stopped you next to a wodden fence and wanted to check on the pills you bought and if they were stolen. When you denied and almost gave him the piece of paper he became even more angry and imobized you.
???: Do you have any ilegal substances?
Y/n: No, I don't!
He got on his knees and started to check you, but let's just say his hands were going in the wrong directions.
Y/n: Hey! Let go of me or-
???: OR what?! Don't act like you don't like it!
You were just one more step to burst out crying and wanted to resolve the problem faster and peacefully by giving him what he wanted (a date) , but you didn't said anything. That's when he was lifted off of you and almost fell on a parked car behind him. You turned your face to see what happened and saw a furious Charlie with red eyes and with a powerful fury than a bull. More people were trying to calm down the two of them and the things ended up at the Police station. You and other two persons who saw what happened from the start wrote your statements against the policeman. "
-- just Keating found out about it, but not from you and stayed just between the three of you
-- he was relieved someone was there to protect you and thanked Charlie

Steven Meeks 🤓
-- hang out
--" It was a hard week for you at the hospital and school, but you managed to pass it. As a celebration, you and Meeks (who also invited Pitts) were waking in the park and talking about the hi-fi system they were working on. The boys excused themselves for a second while you waited for them on a bench. Not too much time after, your ex-boyfriend approached you. The reason you broke up was him cheating with your best friend.
Ex: Babe-
Y/n: What are you doing here? Are spying on me?!
Ex: I didn't have any other way! You won't answer my calls or the door.
Me: And I have a motiff for that. I don't wanna see you ever again!
Ex: But, Y/n-
Meeks: She said she doesn't want to talk to you!
The boys returned and heard you talking with your ex.
Ex: So you found someone else. This dwarf?
Pitts: No one talks like that to my friend!
He got scared by Pitts who was behind Meeks, and left you alone. "
-- your ex wasn't bothering you anymore
--" Y/n: Thank you, guys!
Meeks: Don't worry! We're friends after all. "

Gerard Pitts 🐻
-- crush
-- it didn't happen
--" You confessed to your crush, but you didn't knew he had a girlfriend and he refused you in the worse way you could imagine. You were crying on Pitts's shoulder, better said. He wasn't saying anything. He just let you get all of your fears and demons out.
Pitts: Y/n, it's not worth it! He's an idiot for doing something like that and even rejecting a gorgeous and intelligent girl like you!
Y/n: You think so?
Pitts: I don't. I know it!
You hugged Pitts, his words making you feel better. "
-- you started spending more time together
-- your feelings about him changed

Richard Cameron ♟️
-- funeral
-- he was by your side
--" Your great-grandmother passed away after the new year. This torn your heart, being one of the persons that understood you the most. After your parents left to the car, you put the boquet of flowers on the grave and lit up a candle for her. You touched the wodden cross marked with her name.
Y/n: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine! At least you're not suffering anymore...
You started crying again and kissed the cross. You hugged Cameron, who understood this kind of pain and tried to help you go through it.
Y/n: I can't bear it!...
Cameron: Yes, you can! You just need time. And live. She wouldn't have been happy seeing you cry.
You stayed like that for some seconds then left the place. "
-- he was near you the whole time before and after
-- your impression about him changed

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