Chapter 1: Prologue

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

There were two jedi knights in the Republic named Emilee and Isaiah Noella. They both disobeyed the jedi code and one day had a baby named Nova Noella. It was the best and worst day of their life.

It was the best because their little star was born. Her dad thought she looked like a star being formed in the most beautiful way, so they agreed to name her Nova. However it was the worst day because the baby had to be born within the jedi temple unexpectedly.

Unfortunately Master Yoda found out about they're secret relationship and banished them from the jedi order. Isaiah and Emilee ended up resenting the baby for causing them to lose their jobs which meant the universe to them. They abandoned the baby directly after she was born.

But little did they know this girl was the most special child in the galaxy. This girl would grow up to change the fate of the entire universe.

In a cell, rests a young girl. Her head was spinning even though all she could see was the vague emptiness of the darkness her concealed eyes kept her in. She tried very hard to open her eyes, feeling the cold sensation of metal touching her forehead.

The other thing she became hyper aware of was how she couldn't feel the sharp air on her arms and legs, which meant she wasn't in her usual attire. After a few seconds of gathering her thoughts, she pushed herself up with her palms and gently massaged her forehead. She had a stinging headache stretching across her entire skull, erupting specifically near her temples.

Finally, her eyes opened. She saw exactly what she did before, dark nothingness. It was her future inside this cell.

All she wanted was food, yet somehow she got wrapped into a galaxy-wide power struggle, angering both sides at once on the same day, within the same hour. The poor girl desperately wanted to go back to her planet of Naboo.

This girls name was Nova. She hasn't the faintest idea what her last name could possibly be. Nova was a sweet, charming, fifteen year old Togruta with light purple skin and no place to call home. All she did was steal some food, now she's in prison.

Footsteps were approaching. Nova was smart enough to realize the crunching sound of metal on metal being created mere feet outside her cell. Thinking on her feet, she shakily collapsed back onto the bench and clamped her eyes shut stronger than a steel trap.

"Looks like she's sleeping, sergeant. Should we wake her?" A B1 battle droid asked his superior, even though in reality the only difference between the two droids was a stripe of green paint down the sargeant's arms.

"Be my guest." The sargeant said. Nova didn't detect any footsteps after that.

"We'll go on, get!" Another B1 said.

"Didn't this one take out, like, 30 others? Maybe someone else should—"

"Go!" The scared B1 screamed in terror. Nova heard many fleeting footsteps down the hall away from her, it was hard for her to suppress a smirk. She may have only been trying to steal food, but she may or may not have also had to shoot a couple clankers in order to make it happen. As well as steal their ship. Just in time to fly by a Republic cruiser in a neighboring system and get shot down by them. It's been a long day.

"Good lord." The sargeant groaned as he unlocked Nova's cell. She peeked one eye closest to the bench open to see at least twenty droids standing outside her cell behind the sargeant, all of which encouraging him to wake her.

"Wait a minute, did her eyes just move?" One of them asked.

"I'm no expert on biological organisms, but doesn't that usually mean they're awake?" Nova didn't give them another second to ponder their questions as she kept to action, stealing the sergeant's gun and biting his circuit head off with her fangs, using his body as a shield when the blasting started.

She fought her way through at least forty of them, shooting, biting, punching, throwing, and a whole lot of ripping of limbs was involved as well. She absolutely wasted them to barely salvageable scrapped parts and was proud of it too. She ran down the hall, ignoring the shouts of other prisoners, some of which were derogatory and others were hopeful she would let them free.

Nova ducked behind the wall she was about to rush past after hearing a patrol group inching ever closer. She dared a glance down the hall to see it was ray shield protected. As the four droids in tight, squared formation marched in unison down the desolate grey halls one ray shield shut off as the one behind them came back online. It was tight security, but she could beat it. She was confident. She had a warm feeling in her chest, telling her she could make it.

Nova crept behind the patrol group throughout the hallway. She came upon a rock in the hall, she expertly skipped over it without even looking. Nova made it all the way to the final exit where more blood red ray shields lied in her path. She hesitated greatly after the first one opened.

Nova had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, it felt almost as if she had been in this exact spot before, feeling exactly what she felt now. Her entire body was screaming something vague and unclear at her in a single second. Following her instincts, Nova didn't go through the ray shield. She looked around to look for any sort of clue on what to do. Her eyes fell on a camera monitor, rad light blinking at her rhythmically.

"No..." she whispered in disbelief. Down the hall twenty feet away came more clankers running at her. She was stunned, the world fading to black. Again.

Nova was out cold. But what she didn't know, is that this wasn't the last time this exact scenario will happen. Behind the battalion of clankers taking up the whole prison, crowding that one spot in particular was the man who had orchestrated it all. The droids let him through the center of the path where he bent down to look at Nova's graceful features.

"What is she in for?" He asked.

"The theft and destruction of Separatist property, sir." The man's lips twisted into a satisfied smirk.

"Destruction, you say. That sounds... like it will come in handy." The man's pleasant face turned into a scowl as he saw her face. He knew that he recognized the girl from somewhere, but couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"We shall see if she makes any worthy progress next time." He took another second to stare at her features that looked so similar to someone he knew long ago, but brushed the stupid idea aside.

"Wipe her, and run it again."

Hey guys! Can I tell you a secret? I've been trying to write this book for YEARS.

I started it like three or four years ago and published some chapters, but if you read those forever ago just forget them. There is a whole new plot with alterations to the characters as well.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. It may seem odd now, but Nova is going to meet friends from the Republic very soon.

I hope to see you here next chapter!

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