Chapter 11: Paternal Instincts

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Nova was pleasantly surprised to find a peaceful three days to catch up on her sleep before called to active duty yet again. She couldn't complain though, happy to get back in the field and help Obi-Wan in any way she can. Lyra, who had sacrificed the bed for her young, still recovering friend, was not as happy.

"Come on, we're having a talk with him." She grumbled. Lyra knew her constant protectiveness over Nova must be annoying to all the military officers, especially Cody and Obi-Wan, but she didn't mind looking like the bad guy if it meant Nova didn't have to go anywhere in "her state" even though she's been healed since before they left Naboo.

"Lyra..." Nova whined audibly, but she let Lyra drag her all the way to the command deck where they both stormed in.

"General Kenobi, I've got a—oh. Hello there." Lyra stumbled as she hit the back of someone she wasn't used to having in front of whenever she stormed the deck (it was more often than you'd think, especially for it only being two weeks).

"Obi-Wan... you didn't tell me you went to pick up some locals." Lyra and Nova scrunched their eyebrows in deep confusion, staring at each other to ask if the other knew what was happening. Evidently they didn't, so they turned the deep frowns back toward the man in front of them.

"Mace; these are those, um, refugees I told you about. This is Nova and Lyra. They've been staying aboard my cruiser for quite some time now." Nova gasped at the revelation that the man with his face skewered in deep thought was indeed another Jedi.

"That's a cool light saber you got there. Mind if I see it?" Nova asked giddily. Mace was stopped by her joyful attitude. He merely glanced at Obi-Wan to see if it was okay. Obi-Wan shrugged toward Nova, urging Windu to let her take it.

"With your eyes, sure." Windu held it up for her to observe. Her interest doubling when he briefly ignited it to show a bright purple glow. Now Lyra's interest was piped too, and that was much harder to do. She was amazed by the face she shared her saber color with a Jedi. But when Nova reached out to touch it, the saber's light distinguished and the hilt was clipped firmly to his belt.

"I said eyes only, young one." Nova frowned. Obi-Wan and Lyra did so in turn, not liking seeing what happens when she was disappointed. They had never done such a thing to her before to experience the true sadness it gave them.

"Obi-Wan, why are they—" Mace Windu was cut off by the admiral waving them over.

"Ahsoka, this is Obi-Wan. May we begin our landing?" Nova perked up to the mention of her friend. She suddenly felt a pang of guilt. She got to rest while her friend was thrusted back into war not two days after she almost died? That sounds horrible.

"Yes, Master. You're cleared for ground assault." Obi-Wan sighed softly, looking at the disgruntled battlefield.

"I won't even ask where the rest of Anakin's fleet is." Suddenly a small ship caught his eye from across the way, a glinting smile. Obi-Wan could barely make out the figure with dark brown hair waving at him.

"Or why he's in an escape pod." Nova chuckled at the situation Anakin and Ahsoka seemed to always fall into.

"That sounded like a question you probably don't want answered."

"Yeah, it's probably for the best." Ahsoka and Nova shared another bout of laughter. Lyra noticed the odd look Master Windu gave her. Obi-Wan couldn't wipe the fond smile off his face of course, but Lyra glared at the judgemental Jedi for how he looked at Nova with the slightest hint of skepticism. The com went out as the two Jedi turned back to face the girls.

"Nova; Lyra, gear up. You'll be with me for the ground assault. Stay by my side, all right?" Nova nodded, more than happy to be by his side. Lyra rolled her eyes and waved a dismissive hand at him.

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