Chapter 19: Cheers

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Heads up, this is a LONG chapter. But it's filled with amazing moments, so I hope you enjoy!

Why was it that Tech never slept? Lyra's been waiting since the sun started setting, but all he's done is twist and turn in the pilots seat. She looked away towards the hull to see Wrecker powerlifting a random piece of metal he bunches up together to make a weighted ball. Hunter was asleep, so was Crosshair. This time, she had already informed the Sergeant of her devious plan before enacting it.

She looked away for one second, but a loud snore knocked her mind back into her brain. If was Tech's snore. Sighing the short seconds she was looking at Wrecker, he managed to fall asleep due to the simplest movement of his foot from the floor to his opposite sided knee. Tech didn't sleep much, but when he did it was impossible to wake him until he was ready to join the living again.

So Lyra got to work. She took the tape measure she found stashed away in one of Tech's workbench drawers and measured the parameters of his head. Once she had what she needed she set it down on the console, laced up her boots, slid on her gloves and made her way out of the ship.

There was a collection of normal speeders towards the end of the hangar the Marauder was dropped in. Lyra took one and headed out into the Coruscant underworld. She was sure that if there was a place selling weird, unusual items she'd find it in one of those street venders collections.

She parked her speeder in a safer place of town, one of the higher levels. She wandered around aimlessly for the longest time, stopping occasionally to glance around the various tents she came across in the dark, shady levels until finally falling upon a familiar face.

"Aurora?" The neon pink haired girl had several shopping bags in her arms, shopping at a food vendors cart. She glanced over to the person who called her voice, humming in question with pleasant smile on her face. She gasped when she saw her dear friends familiar face.

"Lyra!" Lyra chuckled with pleasant surprise in her voice as Aurora ran to scoop her up in a hug, not listening to the e vendor shouting at her in a foreign language about her lack of buying anything.

"It's good to see you too, but what are you doing out here?" Lyra asked as they parted from their short embrace. Lyra was concerned for her friend, who was robbed the last time she was in a seedy market alone.

"You remember weekly food stocking, don't you?" Aurora held up the several bags filled with delicious looking exotic food, but one of them stuck out. Lyra peered into the deep bag that had a long silk dress in it. Aurora yanked it away, blushing slightly.

"Rupert may have allowed me to get something nice for myself for tonight." They began walking down the level again the way Aurora came. She wasn't in the mood for shopping anymore.

"We were supposed to go out for dinner tonight at the fanciest venue on Coruscant, but..." Aurora sighed, her upbeat walk turning into a trudge.

"But what? What's he do?" Lyra asked worriedly.

"He said he'd rather stay in. Again." Aurora wanted to just have company when she ate dinner. Was hat too much to ask? A husband who was her best friend? That's what she always saw him as anyways. Him and Riyo were always there for her. It was different with Lyra and Nova, because Aurora felt they needed her more than vice versa, which is what she needed: to be needed.

"Oh. Well, I can take you to that fancy place you wanted to go to. How much would it cost?" Aurora snorted. She didn't want to make Lyra feel bad, but this was a laughable idea.

"It's 10,000 credits just to get in."

"DAMN!" Lyra shouted. Aurora laughed when she jumped to cover her mouth.

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