Atlantis Academy - The First Element: PROLOGUE

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I always thought I'd die alone. In a warm, cozy bed, maybe. As an old lady with lots of loving cats.

I never thought I'd die like this, cold and suffocating in the dark, not even old enough to drink.

The monster will be coming for me soon.

Will it hurt, when those impossibly sharp teeth rend my flesh from my bones? I'll scream, but my voice won't travel. No one will hear my cries. And they'll never find my body.

Just pieces of me.

If there's anything left.

But who will even care?

I wish I never went to work today.

I wish I never left the house.

I can't take any of it back now.

Hot pain slashes through my burning lungs, and my eyes sting as I stare into inky darkness.

At least it will all be over soon.

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