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Welcome to California

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Welcome to California.

The blue sign comes into view in the distance, and I sit up straight in my seat and roll down my window. We left the beach house before dawn, and the first rays of sunlight are now lighting up the sign ahead. God, I wish I had my phone... I want a picture of this. How many years of my life have I spent dreaming of leaving Oregon, even just to visit one of our neighboring states?

More signs warn us we can't take fresh produce over the border, and that our car will be inspected. But no one appears to be manning the border today. We drive right past the Welcome sign and don't stop. No other cars stop either.

The Redwoods are close.

The voice whispers in my ear, and I try to ignore the thought. I don't want to get my hopes up. But... maybe I'll get to see them from afar. If we stick to the coast for a while, I'm bound to see some, aren't I? They're here, in Northern California.

I shiver as cool dawn air rushes into my window and the Tesla switches lanes by itself. I'll never get used to this robot car.

Chloe's in the front seat, studying something on a tablet in her lap, and Ethan's doing the same. They were both chilly this morning and very clear that they didn't want to talk or answer any more questions. So it's been a boring drive in the dark for me.

I don't know how they're not nauseous, staring down at screens the whole drive. I would be. I am, actually. My mouth's suddenly dry too, so I grab a water bottle from my backpack. There are a few snacks in there, trail mix and the apparently forbidden-by-California apples Chloe gave me before we left the house.

I grab a handful of trail mix to chomp down. Trail mix should have chocolate in it, shouldn't it? It's impossible to calm yourself with food if there's no chocolate. And that's certainly what I'm trying to do right now. Calm myself. 'Cause I'm a total mess inside, and there's a tornado of anticipation messing me all up. Or maybe it's all the fiber I ate last night at dinner.

I shove another handful of nuts, seeds, and raisins in my mouth. I really embarrassed myself. Ugh.

I can't believe I tried to run away. Then lied about it. And now Ethan and Chloe probably think I'm a crybaby too, because my eyes watered. But the pain was crazy! Their eyes would have watered...

I shovel another handful of disappointment into my mouth. I have a feeling I'm gonna be eating a lot of this chipmunk chow from here on out. I gnaw on the apple for a while instead, but... it's no chocolate. And it's doing nothing to soothe my nerves.

I glance at Chloe and Ethan again, wishing they'd talk to me and distract me or something, but they're still engrossed in their tablets.

Chloe looks exactly like she did when I first saw her in that cave, her light red hair up in a sleek ponytail. She's wearing the silver blouse, navy skirt and coat, and silver shoes that make her look like she belongs in this robot car. I'm not sure how Ethan lucked out with his much less silvery look. He just looks like a banker with a penchant for navy and gray.

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