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The shock of the freezing ocean wakes me up

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The shock of the freezing ocean wakes me up.

Why the hell did I jump?

It's cold, so ice cold. Waves crash around me, sucking me under, plunging me into darkness.

I flail, legs kicking, arms moving in the blackness that surrounds me. My lungs are burning. I need air, but which way is up?

My chest burns until I have to open my mouth. I gasp for air, but seawater fills my mouth. I spit it out, tumbling through the freezing depths.

Panic thrums through me as I seek the surface.

I didn't mean it!

I want to live!

I'm peering through impenetrable darkness, seeking light. Where is it?

The moon! I swing my arms, attempting to push clear through to the surface. I break free of the water, gasping. And get immediately sucked back down with the undertow. There are sharp rocks nearby somewhere, I know there are. I'll smash into them at any moment.

Grief surges through me as I desperately struggle to find the surface again.

Why did I jump?

My mother was right all along.

I'm broken. Messed up. Crazy.

I followed imaginary music off a freakin' cliff, and now I'm gonna die.

My head breaks the surface, and I suck down another lungful of air.

And everything comes to a standstill.

I'm not moving anymore. And neither is the water.

Is this frozen world a figment of my imagination, or is this how it feels in the moments before death?

The ocean's as paralyzed as I am. The waves are curling, topped with foam. Like the fog on top of the Rock, they've taken on a feeling of being solid.

The water around me is stiff and perfect, as if I'm in a painting. I'm half underwater, half above the surface, my face angled toward the sky, toward the shining full moon.

Where the seawater touches my skin, it feels more like gel, holding me here.

I'm beyond shivering, and I suspect I've shattered all my bones, it hurts so much. Like before, the only body part I can move is my eyes.

The moonlight is illuminating the black water around me, but I can't see much. There are sharp rocks, just ahead, at the bottom of Ashford Rock.

Blue glowing orbs—some creature's eyes—reappear a few yards away, in my peripheral vision.

I try to scream, but all that comes out is a low gurgle.

That is no freakin' seal.

It's a goddamn monster.

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