Something impossible

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I shook my head

Impossible, this can't be happening. Me? Holy Power, No. I can't have Holy power. Impossible. It's something that's completely and utterly impossible!!

I couldn't stop shaking my head as I moved back towards the exit door while dread began to consume me.

This can't be true. If I had Holy Power, I would have discovered it long ago. I would have felt it in me. This can't be. This power can't just come out of nowhere!!

I felt nauseous. My head spun

This can't be true.

So many things crossed my mind.

How? How did this happen? My heart palpitations increased. It felt like a huge bomb had been thrown on me.

"Miss," May noticed me going pale, "Are you alright?" She reached out to me but I panicked even more.

Swatting her hand away, I turned around and made my way to the door in a hurry. Nothing else mattered to me but the worry of having this power in me was consuming all of my mind.

I opened the door, which wasn't locked thankfully and I ran out. I didn't run down though, I had no idea how much time that would take, so I simply ran back up.

I felt like I couldn't breathe and I wanted to get to that balcony again. The room was spacious, it was full of life and I needed air.

Every step I took felt like a race against time, a desperate bid to outrun the encroaching shadows that threatened to swallow me whole.

Finally reaching the top room, I threw open the door and stumbled out onto the balcony, my chest heaving with exertion. The world spun around me as I clung to the railing for support, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I struggled to regain my composure.

But even as I tried to steady myself, a sense of dread washed over me like a tidal wave, chilling me to the bone.

Holy Power?


It had to be a nightmare. Having a power like that would throw me in the spotlight. Everything I've built, all the things I ran away from, all the freedom I finally gained after years of misery. All of it would be gone!

NO! That can't happen! No...

Trying to catch my breath, I kept my eyes towards the sky.

I took deep breaths





The serene blue sky with white clouds actually helped calm me down, but then I heard the sound of footsteps in the room.

I sensed his approach long before I actually saw him. The air seemed to crackle with an electric energy, sending shivers down my spine as I turned to glance back into the room.

His silver-gray eyes bore into mine, piercing through the veil of my defenses with a gaze that held both curiosity and resolve.

For a moment, we stood there in silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between us. But, the more I looked at him, the worse I felt. The more I looked at him, the more things started to make sense in my mind.

It wasn't me

"Hael..." I looked at him in horror, "What did you do?" He stood in the middle of the room. The breeze fluttered the net curtains, veilling it between us but we didn't break eye contact.

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