The Time That Made Him What He Is:Powerless

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>>Hael (A few months later)

It was hard to sit but then again it was better than how it was in the beginning. I learned to keep my mouth shut and take things in order to survive.

In the past few months we had moved a lot and I had no clue where we were but all the mercenaries were acting on command.

I was powerless and had to do what I was told. Each time the men looked at me, I felt nauseous. When they came onto me, I couldn't stop them

And when the others began to take my clothes off, I couldn't do anything. I had no strength to overpower them. And, I held no power that could command them away

All I could do was to endure the pain that made me bleed.

I sat outside the tent I shared with those five men

"Ruger, you better stop putting in without prepping him!" The blonde guy said, "It's a turnoff for everyone else."

"That's right," Freckles agreed.

"I thought there won't be any need since it's a boy!" The burly one said.

"You Fu*tar* that's a male. You won't need it when it's a woman!" Freckles said

"You've never held a female, have you!?" They all laughed at him,

"You haven't held a female! You can't just slam it in her either!"

"Look at the boy, he's grimacing in pain!" The blonde one said, "He's always like that when you have your turn,"

Ruger, the burly guy, grabbed my face with his hand, "You better change that expression boy! Or I'm gonna fuck you even harder."

I can't smile when I'm in this much pain... I'll try to keep a poker face.

Ruger licked his lips while he was staring at me.


All of this is so disgusting.

"What are you looking at!" He grabbed my hair, "Why is there contempt on your face! HUH!"

"I am not-"

"Shut up!" He pulled my hair and yanked me up, then roughly threw me away and I stumbled onto the ground.


I told myself

Don't show expressions! Not bad ones! Keep calm, keep a poker face on!

"Let the boy eat in peace," The blonde guy helped me up and brought me back to where I was sitting. On a tree stump. He handed me my meal which was a badly made carrot soup in a worn out bowl, and a broken wooden spoon.

"Don't ruin the mood Ruger,"

"Yea! Let everyone eat in peace."

I ate the carrots in the soup quietly, trying my best not to make any sounds but it still didn't do me any good.

The burly guy grabbed my face, "Ah, you're losing all the meat."

The bald one laughed, "You're right! He's so skinny now, doing him isn't even fun."

"There's nothing to grab onto!"


My gaze fell and I kept my mouth shut, but I was so tired of it all and I wished for something very earnestly.

I hope all these people die. I hope they die a brutal death. Especially this burly dude. I hope he's the first one to die!!

Die you bastard! I glared at him and he noticed that.

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