The Time That Made Him What He Is :No Hope, No Power

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The news was more shocking than anything I could have imagined.

"You did what?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I knew something was wrong the moment I noticed Hestia and Hael weren't in their rooms. I couldn't sleep properly, something was bugging me.

I tried so much but I couldn't sleep, which was odd, I never had trouble sleeping. so I went out for a stroll and noticed Hestia's room was open. That was odd too. She doesn't really leave her room so why was her door open? I went inside to look what was happening but when I didn't see her there, an ominous feeling lurked over me.


I felt it in my gut

It was a spontaneous action on my half and I ran over to Hael's room, only to find it empty as well.

Oh! No, no, no, no!

I then ran out of the palace, towards the exit of the kingdom and saw Hestia coming back, alone. Her weary figure was swaying with the wind.

"You told me to take care of him." She stepped towards the entrance. She had just told me what she did and that she had given Hael over to an army.

"Yes!" I yelled as I blocked her path in, "Like a mother. I told you to care for him like any mother should!! Not abandon him! On a battlefield at that!!" I couldn't believe my ears when I questioned her and she told me she left him with humans.

And not ordinary humans at that, she left them with mercenaries. How on earth could she do that? Mercenaries are one of the filthiest humans on the planet! My heart beat rose in fear.

"Helena," Her eyes seemed so devoid, "I can't bear to look at him anymore..." Her legs gave out and fell to her knees, "Everyday, he looks more like his bastard father." She's gotten too weak. She doesn't eat properly, she doesn't even drink enough water and she keeps collapsing.

"We all warned you," I began to walk past her, "Tell me where you dropped him off. I'm getting him back." I can't leave Hael with a bunch of people worse than wild beasts!!

She grabbed my legs as I passed her, "If you dare try and get him back. I'll kill myself."

I froze, "Are you out of your mind?" I glared at her, "What the hell is wrong with you! You're not the first elf who fell for a human and was betrayed! There was a reason everyone was against your marriage with Ernand!!"

"I am!" She screamed, "I am out of my mind!" Tears streamed down her face, "I can't do this anymore!!"

I yanked my leg away away, "Hestia-"

"Please," She fell to the ground, then she fainted right the next second.


"Hestia!" I ran to her and took her up in my arms, "Shit! Hestia! Wake up!" I moved her around and did my best to wake her up, but she didn't, "Hestia!" I slapped her face, "Wake up!!! Tell me where you left Hael!?!? Hestia!!" Even the slapping didn't work.

No, no, no, no

This can't happen. I have no fucking clue where she took Hael and with her like this I can't find him either. My heart beat rose in distress. I couldn't just leave Hael so I teleported Hestia to her room and then ran out of the forest to look for him as the weather got more sinister.

>>Hael (13-14) Trigger warning (Mention of rape)

Dark clouds rumbled in the sky and the wind got stronger.

"Your mommy's gone kid," The three men who stood behind me passed me a sinister grin that sent shivers down my spine, their eyes gleamed with predatory hunger that made my blood run cold. I tried to back away, to escape their grasp, but the burly one wouldn't let me.

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