Chapter 19

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The next morning I found my hand still entwined with Sebastian’s. I didn’t want to wake him nor did I want to leave my warm burrow, but I was desperately hungry. I hadn’t eaten since…yesterday morning or was it afternoon? Sebastian rolled over jerking my arm across the bed until I was up to his back with my arm uncomfortably pulled over him. I desperately tried pulling my arm free. Geez, why was he so clingy? I slowly dug my nails into his flesh with little result. He suddenly rolled back over not giving me enough warning and laid half his torso over me. Don’t panic, he’s just sleeping.

“Sebastian,” I called, his weight pressing down hard on me. My arm suddenly went tingly with goose bumps. Why did his face have to end up near my neck? He breathed out another warm breath against my neck sending a new rippled down my arm. “Sebastian, get off me please,” I tapped his shoulder with my free hand. “Sebastian!” I yelled in his ear. I flailed around only getting him to reposition himself even further across me. “Sebastian if you don’t flipping wake up now I’m never making you those biscuits again,” that seemed to do the trick. He opened his eyes to see me under him. I raised a suspicious eye brow at him. “You done?” I asked. He lowered down but lifted his weight off me and passionately kissed me.

“I’m done…for now,” he sat up stretching a silent yawn stretching across his face. “How are you this morning, honey?” he asked only to receive a pillow to the head.

“Don’t call me honey,” I snapped back.

“Ok, would you prefer, darling, sweetie…googly bear?” he replied mockingly. I was about to hit him again but he grabbed the pillow mid swing and yanked me towards him so that I fell onto his lap. “You light weight.” He patted my head as I tried to scramble up from him. He laughed pulling me up right onto his lap nuzzling his head into my hair. “After work how would you like to head to the surface?” he asked.

“The surface?” I asked. Not that it had ever been outwardly mentioned but going to the surface seemed shunned upon. “Like straight up from here?” I asked to receive a nod. “I can’t imagine anything up there worth seeing.”

He playfully tapped my nose and smiled. “I think you will,” Sebastian grinned. Now I was curious. We went down for a breakfast of crapes; with thick thicken cream and the ocean equivalent for berries. I kept asking Sebastian what was up there and even took a few guesses. But he wouldn’t even give me a hint.

I quickly made some biscuits while he was getting ready for work in hopes of coaxing the info out of him. I always hated surprises, and I hated knowing that there was going to be a surprise. Call me impatient. I pulled them out of the oven and instantly cooled them in the water. Sliding them into a jar I kept one and slid it into my apron pocket, ready for him.

Soon enough Sebastian came with his brief case and the tie I had picked him. I scrunched up my nose and straightened it. “Hopeless,” I muttered fixing it into place. I had done this a number of times that Sebastian now found it amusing that I fused over him.

“Got to go,” he grinned seeming a little sus.

“I’ll give you a biscuit if you tell me,” I said digging into my pocket struggling to find it.

“Nah, this biscuit here is good enough,” his muffled voice replied. I jerked my head up and saw half a biscuit in his hands the other half swallowed to its doom. “Be a good girl, Red,” he kissed mu cheek and disappeared. That cheeky little carp.

Well for the rest of the day beside racking my brain as to what could be up there I cleaned the house. Yeah, sounds really exciting I know, I’m turning into a house wife. A young, underage unmarried but somehow engaged house wife.

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