Chapter 27

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Sebastian spun me in front of him looking me in the eyes and repeated. “Do you love me?”

I felt my face drain of all its colour. Only the sound of a child crying could be heard. I glanced over Sebastian’s shoulder to find the streets deserted. Where did everyone go? My eyes were suddenly fixated on the screaming child who I’m sure had been racing with his friend only moments ago. For some reason I couldn’t take my eyes away from that child until I saw to murky red water surround him. I turned my attention to a lone figure in the distance and I stilled.

“Aubrey, please answer the question,” Sebastian said oblivious to my diverted attention.

“Sebastian can I ask you a question?” I asked my voice very shaky. He seemed to pick up on that point.

“Of course, but answer mine first, I won’t be angry if you’re not ready,” he insisted. I shook my head.

“No, Sebastian I really need to ask you something,” I didn’t give him time to object. “How dangerous are sharks to mer?” he seemed surprised but the topic.

“Ah…that depends on many factors, things like the type of shark and the size and whether it is being aggressive or if it smells blood or…” by this stage I had blurred him out. I instantly darted for the child the second the shark came charging for the screaming infant. I reached the child and picked him up in my arms the rusty smell of blood waffled into my nose. I turned around in time to see the shark charge at me.  I quickly dodged it accidently hitting the creature on the back with my tail as I sped down the street. I glanced over my shoulder to see the shark gaining on me, following the stream of blood. I weaved in and out of the small tight streets and around little obstacles like benches and crumbled ruins and pillars.

I knew I needed to find shelter, I was tiring quickly not to mention I had the extra weight I was carring. Suddenly something harshly grabbed at my tail and yanked me back. I screamed out of shock knowing this was it. I was sharply pulled through a door where it slammed behind me. I looked up to see Sebastian continue to pull me up into the air pocket where he sat me with the child still in my arms, who had miraculously stopped screaming, though I could still hear him sobbing away. Sebastian brought up the first aid kit and helped me bandaged up the kid.

“Hush little one your safe now,” I whispered to him, even though I could still feel myheart racing a million miles an hour. “Don’t cry, we didn’t get eaten,” I reassured him, but wished I had chosen my words slightly better. He sobbed away a bit more while I rocked him in my arms. He wrapped his chubby arms around my neck and cried against my chest. He was very small with light brown hair and had a very bright green tail with blue tips. “What’s his name Sebs?” I asked not taking my eyes off the little child.

“Toby,” he replied. Toby, how cute. He couldn’t be any older than five maybe six. I felt his little arms relax and his breathing slow. I held him closer and hopped back into the depths and went to our room to tucked him into bed. What a little angel. I pushed his fringe away from his soft face and kissed his little plush cheek.

I gently closed the door behind me and turned to only be pushed up against the wall with Sebastian scowling at me.  Stupid me, had the nerve to ask what he wanted.

“You are such an idiot!” was the first thing he said to me making me jolt my head back in surprise sharply hitting the wall behind me. “You should have just said there was a shark, instead of being so vague,” he snapped.

“Well I thought I was pretty clear, it’s not my fault that you were spouting out a essay,” I shot back. That was a mistake. His fist hit the wall beside my head making it crack a little. To my surprise I wasn’t scared by that.

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