Chapter 28

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Oh and congrats to @kristinaroyal1 for instantly getting that Toby was Ditzy fangirl’s brother.


I woke up nice and early leaving the boys to sleep, while I went to make them pancakes and biscuits. Healthy start to the day…I know.  Sebastian would be working today so something savory or even spicy was in order.  Plucking the ingredients from the cupboard I set them down on the countertop and tied up my hair and reached for my little house wife apron. A Stepford wife much? I had the batter ready for when they came down and the biscuits were almost done. The curry was smelling wonderful as it  filled the entire room. I soon felt hands slid around my waist and a heavy head rest on my shoulder.

“Hmm what’s this you’re making? Smells good,” Sebastian kissed my cheek and held me tight.

“Curry, want a taste?” I asked holding a spoon of the thick sauce. He let me pop it in his mouth even if it was at an awkward angle. “Any good?” I asked.

“I think it needs a little more seasoning.” I nodded and turned to the spice rack Sebastian had gotten me. It annoyed me that all the spices came as a sort of paste, but one must work with what one is given.

“Is Toby up yet?” I asked. Sebastian shook his head. “Oh ok. Can you take the biscuits out of the oven please?” I asked turning to mix the paste into the curry. “I’ll be up there soon to make the pancakes, and I want to see all nineteen biscuits when you get down here,” I warned, knowing he’d try to nick a few. I stirred the curry a bit more as I watched Sebastian return to slide the cookies into the jar. I swam up to the surface and cooked both the pancakes and the curry, packing it into a sealed container.

I was surprised to find Toby awake when I brought down the pancakes. I set the plate on the table and watched the two of them devour it, as if they hadn’t had food for a week. I handed Sebastian his lunch and got a goodbye kiss making the little rascal scrunch up his nose as he took another serving.

“I’m sure your parents are worried about you,” I mentioned when we were alone. He shook his head stuffing his face.

“Me ain’t got no parents,” he replied through his full mouth. “I live with my sissy,” he explained. I nodded and gave him the remainder of mine. “These are soooo yummy. You nom nom nom are a good cook,” he smiled clapping his hands.

“I’m sure your sister must be worried sick, do you know where you live?” I asked. He thankfully nodded and chomped down the last of breakfast. And Sebastian said I was the one who ate to much…


We passed the market district with all the wonderful stores and smells and slowly came into the more residential area. I looked at all the apartment like buildings and only then did I realize that Sebastian’s pad was actually quite large.

“My sister is a big fan of yours, she will be super happy with me when she meets you.” He cheered circling around me. We reached a door and I knocked on it, feeling kind of awkward.

The door suddenly flung open and some chic came out bursting in tears suddenly saw Toby and scooped up.

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